Friday, November 30, 2012

Dance Party Every Night!

One of my favorite things about Baby Girl is her ability to dance! We have a dance party every night and I can already tell she's got rhythm.

Psalm 149:3a
Praise His Name With Dancing...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do you Produce Nuggets of Crap or Nuggets of Gold?

A Perfectly Normal Family Get Together!
Several years ago...back in college day...I feel so old saying that now...the family was all gathering together for Christmas dinner in Kentucky. We had all traveled from different locations so we could spend good quality time together. Dinner was about to be ready and everyone had gathered in the living room to say a blessing.

"Who would like to say it," someone asked?
Another person suggested someone to say it and they declined graciously.
"How about you say it?" someone said.

During this conversation, I was watching everything unfold and unfortunately I was about to let my passion become unbridled. And usually when that happens a "nugget of crap" falls out of my mouth...

"Why can't a woman say it?" I said forcefully.
The room got totally silent and I swear I heard crickets. Clearly their intention was not to segregate the women but my passion for women's equal rights had taken over.

"Well sure, Kim. Why don't you say it? someone said. And my face had to be red as a beet because in that moment I had realized my failure. I had used something I was passionate about and unleashed it at the wrong time and in the wrong way. Of course I said the prayer but afterwards the Lord began working on my heart and humbling myself further.

You see, it's OKAY to have passion but what I'm learning then and now is that your passion can only be released at the right time and in the right way for it to do any good. Passion released in an angry way only leaves people wanting to be exactly unlike you. But passion released in a loving gentle way leaves people saying, "Hey, there's something to what she's saying. Maybe I'll reconsider her point of view."

Why am I telling you this? Well, it seems fitting that with Thanksgiving and Christmas being upon us that a lot of people are going to be around a lot of family members. Sometimes that can bring joy and sometimes that can bring stress. What I am working on with God at the moment and questioning HIM almost daily is, "How do I lead an authentic life without hurting someone else? How do I take that good passion I have and turn it into a "nugget of gold instead of a nuggest of crap?" I want to be the Real Deal, so to speak. But I also need to realize that I can't change the way another person thinks. I want my passion to be harnessed and unleashed at the exact right time. So that the moment of impact hits home for someone.

You probably still are like, "What?! She is not making any sense!" Trust me, I know that's what your thinking because I'm thinking that exact thing myself. But here's the bottom line. You are going to be around different people with different ideas your entire life and it just so happens that during the holidays we are smushed together with others in crowded living rooms talking about all the gossip we see on Facebook, talking about the latest Presidential Election (Thank God that's over-by the way), and talking about...ourselves. But what if we actually took the time to find out how someone else is doing? What if we actually tuned out all the noise and really listened to someone else. Maybe that's the way to get people to really consider your own passions and dreams. Maybe that's what God wants us to do.

We can't live authentic lives all the time. We are human! Imperfect creatures! But we can TRY. And we can combine UNCONDITIONAL LOVE with our authenticity. To be truly authentic anyway-- means to be real without passing judgements because we know we are Failures too.

Currently, at the Thanksgiving Table 2012 we all met in a new location and sat around a large table. About 4 to 5 of us started talking about Heaven. I once again was being honest and trying to make a joke about it when I said, "I don't know how we're all gonna make it in Heaven-- Because there are a bunch of people I don't like." MML sat at the far end of the table and said, "But we need to love the way God did with Moses when he was leading the Israelites. God was willing to forgive them all even though they had sinned against Him." She paused for a moment and said, "I don't know if I'll ever be able to reach that give that kind of love."

The next day Moses said to the people, “You have committed a terrible sin, but I will go back up to the Lord on the mountain. Perhaps I will be able to obtain forgiveness for your sin.” So Moses returned to the Lord and said, “Oh, what a terrible sin these people have committed. They have made gods of gold for themselves. But now, if you will only forgive their sin—but if not, erase my name from the record you have written!” But the Lord replied to Moses, “No, I will erase the name of everyone who has sinned against me. Now go, lead the people to the place I told you about. Look! My angel will lead the way before you. And when I come to call the people to account, I will certainly hold them responsible for their sins.” Exodus 32:30-34

We all became silent-staring at our mashed potatoes- but this time it was for a good reason. MML in all her wisdom was right once again. And we were all deep in thought because her honesty and authenticity was exactly what we needed to hear.

The Queen of Hearts (me) and MML at a Halloween Party a few years ago.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Letting Go of the Mind Chatter

It's the Monday after Thanksgiving and I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee typing bleary eyed. I was up til 1 am last night staring at the ceiling. This seems to happen to me everytime I stop running. My anxiety goes up and I sit in bed for hours tossing and turning. I've come to realize this is just a part of me that I have little control over--unless I run. But to update everyone, my doctor has ruled that I stop running because I started having Braxton Hicks contractions at 16 weeks. She told me there was no way to stop labor at this point, so I needed to recognize when the contractions were happening and make myself lie down and relax. RELAX? To me that's a foreign word sometimes. In my mind I was thinking, "How do I relax when the only thing that was working was running?"

Kathy Worley, Certified Massage Therapist
That next week, I asked The Hubs if he minded watching Baby Girl while I received a massage. Of course, he didn't mind at all. So I called up one of the best--nope I'd say the very best massage therapist I've found since moving here, Kathy Worley. She's so amazing at her job and really understands stress and where it hides in a person's body. For years, I have enjoyed massage but I'd say in the last two years I have really gotten into massage geared towards health and not so much fluff. Fluff? You probably don't understand what I'm talking about. Well, you can go to any commercialized chain spa and receive a very relaxing massage. But usually, it's so light that when you come out you feel the same tension you started with. Basically, it did no good. Massage geared towards health says, "I have a problem and I need the kinks worked out." For me, when the neck pain begins and it radiates down my back and up my head, I know I'm way overdo for a massage. So anyway, it had been 6 months since I received a massage (too long really)! Kathy Worley, my massage therapist was amazing. She worked the knots out of my back and neck for an entire hour and a half! As she was talking she pressed on my back and said, "I notice every time you exhale you relax a little more." She said, "That's really good because you don't fight it. You really are looking for peace. Alot of people fight it." She was exactly right! I do want peace and seem to be on a constant search for it. But what I told her is that it doesn't come easy and I have to constantly work on it. Kathy is so intune with people. You can sense her spirit is good and because of that, she is great at her job. Click here if you're interested in learning more about her.

So I thought about enrolling in prenatal yoga classes but when I saw the prices, I realized paying that bill would send me into anxiety overload. I've thought about just walking (which I probably will do on my own) but I just hate thinking about taking my daughter out there in the freezing cold. One thing I know for sure, I have to get rid of the mind chatter.  I have to learn to turn my brain off? And quit listening to that little "Anxiety Voice" in my head that says, "What will I do?" I've been doing some research and found a great article about this very thing from Sandra Hersey.

She says, "To stop your Mind Chatter, you need to learn how to stop your subconscious mind’s habit of “running off at the mouth,” so to speak. You have to first recognize that you have mind chatter happening. You need to pay attention to your mind chatter and what it is saying. If your mind chatter is negative and using words like I can’t, I should, or what will I do, then you need to stop the voice going on inside your head immediately. Change your thought process. Begin to get control of your subconscious mind by thinking, I’m okay, I can handle this; even start saying some positive affirmations like “I can figure out how to make this work,” or “I am smart and successful.” Click here for her full article.

Yes, this is exactly what I needed to start with! I remembered learning about this in my counseling classes. The one thing I can control is my mind chatter. But I also know from personal experience this is a daily process. If you are one who is naturally anxious about everything, you have to make the conscious decision to live each day in a positive light.

So a few other things I plan on trying and blogging about is...

  1. Buy a Prenatal Yoga  DVD to try at home.
  2. Make myself walk twice a week.
  3. Spend more time in the Bible and talking to God.
  4. Change my eating habits (atleast til I can run again). I want to try to eliminate some of the soda and refined sugar that I eat and drink. I know I can't eliminate it completely but I do know when I drink or eat it, I become very sluggish and tired.
  5. Spend some quiet time each day by myself. Turning off the mind chatter and listening to the quiet sound of nothing. Basically meditating.
I'm not gonna do all these things at once but I want to try a little at a time. So here goes! Wish me luck and keep reading : )

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Apple Dumplings

This recipe was given to me by my grandmother, Faye Childers. She is an extraordinary chef! Probably from years of experience and she has the "gift." You know, the gift/talents comparable to Paula Deen : ) This recipe has been used at many large gatherings and always goes fast! But that's not the reason I love it. The real reason got it! It's easy and everyone thinks I slaved over a hot stove. What's this one's secret? Well what makes any dessert real good? Sugar, Butter and a Can of Sprite. Enjoy!

2 cans crescent rolls
2 Golden Delicious Apples
1 stick butter
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 can clear or light-colored soft drink

Slice two apples into 16 pieces. Roll each piece in a crescent roll and pinch the ends closed. Place in a greased casserole dish upside down.

Melt butter and mix in sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. Pour mixture over dumplings, covering each one. Pour soft drink over entire dish.

Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes, then at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes until brown.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Secret Momma Confession: I'm Terrified of Two and Really Want a Glass of Pinot Grigio

"Baby Girl, want to go outside and take a walk?" She looked up at me from her picnik table, dropped her Little People, and started walking towards me.

"First girl, we have to put our outside clothes on. You can't go outside in your pj's. Come on let's go upstairs."

We finally made it to the stairs and she decided she didn't want to go upstairs but instead, play with a toy on the first step. I huffed outloud feeling exhausted already and it was only 9 am.

"No girl, you can't play with the toy. We need to walk upstairs. Baby Girl, if you don't walk up the stairs with me, we can't go outside." This went on for about 3 minutes. She finally decided to grab my hand and walk upstairs.

Once I picked out her outfit and tried to put it on her she threw a fit--doing that toddler thing where their knees buckle and they throw their arms in the air. "Baby Girl, we have to put your clothes on if you wan't to go outside." My patience was running thin. She screamed some more, snot pouring out her nose and beet red in the face. So I exhaled loudly and gave her my temper tantrum hug where I don't let go until she calms down.

Finally, the shirt and pants were on. "What an ordeal," I thought. "Okay, now we need to put your socks and shoes on." What does she do? Walk outside the room! "We have to put your socks and shoes on. You can't walk outside until you put them on. I notice my breathing has increased (maybe pregnancy related but more likely exhausted/angry related). She finally decided to let me pick her up and put her socks on. I reached over to get her shoes off the dresser and almost turned the entire rocker over on me and her. I finally managed to get her shoes on. I let her down and lay my head back in the rocker completely exhausted and worn out. The rocker seemed to wrap its arms around me and I felt an incredible urge to cry.

I sat there with tears brimming in my eyes and fighting an internal battle with myself. "You stop that crying, Kim. There is no reason to let a 1.5 year old get you so upset." So I sat there some more until I finally felt calm again...

On our walk outside, I looked into the big blue sky with streaks of white, painting a picture of peace in the clouds and I said, "God, what did I sign up for? How am I gonna handle two kids?" Thank Heavens I had my big sunglasses on because I was tearing up again. "Am I that stupid God? We moved away from all our family and now I have no help. I don't think I can do it. All my friends say it's going to be hell for the first few months and I'm scared to death."

I quit talking to God for a second and started to question myself more. I exclusively pump instead of exclusively am I am going to exclusively pump and keep my eye on a two year old? "We gotta get some gates or something...or maybe a babysitter to help me the first few months,"I thought outloud.

My mind switched to me and The Hubs and I started praying again. "Oh I wish we could go on weekly dates. But who can afford weekly dates when a babysitter cost $12/hour? And then there's the movie charge and the dinner charge. We're lucky to go on a date once every three months." God was listening to me rambling now. "And God, what I wouldn't give for a chilled glass of Pinot Grigio." I couldn't believe I was talking to God about wine. A glass of wine would have been perfectly wonderful to calm my nerves right about then but I couldn't have it.

We turned a corner in the stroller and out popped the tiniest bird I had ever seen walking on the sidewalk. I suppose God was answering my questions by bringing that bird along because I immediately thought of Matthew 6:26, "Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?" It was as if God was saying, "Don't worry about all these things. I will take care of you. It just takes one step at a time. Quit putting pressure on yourself! I will help you through it." I started to calm down a little bit. We were now approaching another corner and I exhaled loudly (this time out of relief). The most beautifully red trees lined the road and I thought of, Matthew 6:30 "And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?"

"Okay God, I get it. You will be with me every step of the way."

Baby Girl and I continued to walk all the way home. I turned into our neighborhood and Baby Girl started talking outloud and waving at a lady and a young girl standing on their front porch. I stopped to say, "Hello," and introduced myself. Baby Girl started whining so I let her out of the stroller. The little girl went inside and surprisingly Baby Girl started following her inside! "I'm so sorry," I said. The lady reassured me it was okay and asked me to come inside. So reluctantly, I went in feeling embarrassed that my daughter had just invited herself into someone's house (I'm now chuckling as I write this). It turned out to be such a great experience. We started talking about God and I found out she was Hindu. She told me about how she believes God is within us all and I thought about how perfectly said that was. Especially since I had had such an indepth conversation with God earlier.

Look at 1 Corinthians 3:16: Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? Isn't that so beautifully written? To me, it's amazing how we are all connected on one level or another to each other. God heard my random prayers and saw my tears as I rocked in the rocker. He calmed my own spirit by reassuring me that He was there, not once or twice but three times! My question to you is, "Have you taken the time to walk with God? Do you feel comfortable enough to tell God your fears or worries-even if it has to do with a simple glass of chilled Pinot Grigio ; ) You see, God wants all of you. Not part of you or some of you but everything that makes you-YOU! I encourage you today, to look into the big blue sky and say, "I'm ready now- I'm ready to talk, God."

Friday, November 9, 2012

Lil' Sis's Baby Shower

My friend, my confidant, my person, my listening buddy, my laughing buddy...there are so many adjectives to describe my beautiful sister. We are only 20 months apart in age and so very close. Don't get jealous Little Brother. I love you just the same : )

We always joke that when my sister met her husband on Facebook, I was a nervous wreck. On their first date, I called so many times that night to make sure she wasn't abducted. But her husband turned out to be an upstanding Christian and I'm so glad he's my brother-in-law now! They are expecting their first very soon and I'm so happy for them. I am also so happy that Baby Girl wil have a cousin on my side to play with! Yah!!!!!!!

My mother and I gave her a baby shower in our hometown a few weeks ago. Family and friends came to celebrate with her. So many great gifts were given and about a lot of food. Southern Women sure know how to throw a great party.

Of course my mother and I had to throw in some hilarious games. We both lack filters on our mouth sometimes but as my mom says, "We just keep it real." Well we definitely kept it real for her shower including: Pin the Sperm on the Egg, making the men pretend they were pregnant, and which lady could drink a baby bottle the fastest. It was so much FUN! Hope you enjoy the pics and Happy Baby Shower Planning to All Those Out There Throwing a Baby Shower Sometime!

Hershey's with SHE marked in Pink!

Beautiful Pregnant Sister!

Mom and Sister Posing Infront of Our Rendition of a Uterus ; )

No Words To Describe This!

Momma and Daddy-To-Be!

Beautiful Cake...Mmmmm Buttercream Icing with Chocolate and Vanilla Cake...A Pregnant Woman's Dream!

Preggo Sisters!

Lil' Sis's Baby Clothes Used as Decorations!

Go! Go! Go!

So Much Fun!

Everyone had so much fun during this game!

The MML getting ready to pin her sperm on the egg! She looks like she's envisioning the uterus! LOL!

One of our beautiful cousins pinning the sperm on the egg!

The Men Blowing Up Their Balloons!

The men unlacing their shoes. They are getting ready to try tieing their shoe with a balloon in their shirt.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Easy Recipes For Pretend Chefs Like Me

It's no secret that I don't like cooking...okay HATE cooking! I just hate all the skillets, and ingredients, and raw meat! Awwww! But even though I hate cooking, I LOVE baking. It just seems to offer a better reward than cooking supper every night, don't you think!

Another idea for a blog I've been having is Easy Recipes for Pretend Chefs like myself. If the recipe calls for odd things I have to ask someone in the grocery store for, forget it. If the recipe calls for 15 odd things I have to buy--Forget It! Give me something easy! Something I can find in my pantry! Something my husband can take left overs to work with and people say, "Ummmm your wife is a good cook!" While I secretly snicker because the secret ingredient was really Velveeta Cheese.

So here's my first recipe I found in a magazine...Gram's Chicken Pot Pie.

1 lb.  boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces
2 Tbsp.  KRAFT Zesty Italian Dressing
2cups  frozen mixed vegetables (carrots, corn, green beans, peas)
1can  (10-3/4 oz.) condensed cream of chicken soup
1/4 lb.  (4 oz.) VELVEETA®, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1sheet  frozen puff pastry (1/2 of 17.3-oz. pkg.), thawed (Tip: If you're an idiot like me looking all over the store for this...look in the section with the Kool Whip. Don't ask me why it's there but that's where I found it!)
1 egg, beaten
HEAT oven to 400ºF.
COOK and stir chicken in dressing in large skillet on medium heat 5 min. or until chicken is done. Stir in vegetables and soup. Spoon into 9-inch square baking dish sprayed with cooking spray; top with VELVEETA.
UNFOLD pastry sheet; place over chicken mixture. Fold under edges of pastry; press onto top of baking dish to seal. Brush with egg. Cut several slits in pastry to permit steam to escape. Place dish on baking sheet.
BAKE 30 min. or until crust is deep golden brown. Let stand 5 min. before serving.

How to Thaw Pastry Sheets
Remove pastry sheet from freezer; cover with plastic wrap. Thaw at room temperature 30 min. or in refrigerator 4 hours. Thawed wrapped pastry sheets can be stored up to 2 days in refrigerator.
True to My Word: The Hubs got asked the next day, why I was such a good cook. I told him to tell them, "The Secret's in the Sauce." 

To All My Pretend Chef's Out There,
Good Luck-The Grocery Store Can Be a Dangerous Place ; )

The Memory Maker

Sometimes I go through these slumps where I don't want to blog. I have so many ideas floating around in my head and pictures I want to post, but by the time Baby Girl takes a nap I'm ready for a nap myself. And sometimes I think the Lord wants you to take a step back and enjoy your life, instead of worrying about the "next" thing you have to do. So that's what I've been doing the past few weeks. Enjoying the little moments that make this life so special.

Recently, we took a family trip to the mountains and Baby Girl went Trick or Treating with her cousins. It was peaceful and fun. I took a nap every single day because the grandparents were there to watch her. Thank God for grandparents! One day, I took a walk outside by myself and looked at the cabin signs. One in particular stood out to me and it got me thinkin'...The Memory Maker Cabin. You know, we make memories with our children every single day. But it's up to us to make sure those memories are good ones. As I walked, I thought about making sure Baby Girl remembers my smile more than my frown, my laugh more than my tears, and The Hubs and I hugging more than us fussing. It's our responsibility to make sure those memories are good ones. We don't get a choice on the idea of making memories all together but the one choice we do get is what kind of memories are made.

I can't even explain how excited I was for her to try all those new things. That's what makes going on a vacation with a little one so much fun for the adults. I loved seeing her reaction to riding the carosel, I loved when she fell asleep on the train with The Hubs, and I loved seeing her run around the kitchen each night with her cousins. Here's some pictures of our trip for you to enjoy. And remember...make sure your Memory Maker only contains good memories for your children : )

Halloween Night

Her first piece of candy.

Walking to the stores for candy.

The Family All Together

Getting candy from the candy store (you'd think they'd give good candy but it was like tootsie rolls).

Cousin Fiona and Baby Girl's Aunt

Cousin Shrek and Baby Girl's Uncle

Look at Daddy's smile. That's how happy we were to go trick or treating with her.

Grandparents with all their grandkids

The Aquarium

Baby Girl didn't smile the whole time...I think she was in awe of all the fish ; )

Awwww Sharks!

Look how little she is compared to that Sting Ray!

Crawling in the Penguin Tunnel

Horses and Stampedes

Baby Girl loved her dress!

Eating some popcorn and listening to Bluegrass.

Had to dance!!! This girl's got music in her blood : )

Dancing with her cousin.

Gettin' down!

"Who is this lady and why is she trying to twirl me around?"

Amusement Park Fun
The two cousins get asked if their's funny when we tell them, no but their momma and daddy are!