Thursday, August 28, 2014

"I Want Your Confidence"

Recently, I decided to measure myself after a hard workout at the gym. Surely, the only thing growing about me was my belly, right? So I locked myself in the hall bath because what would I say if Baby Girl asked me what I was doing...

"Half an inch?! How does my arms get bigger by half an inch?" I chastised myself. 

The berating kept on..."I can understand my trunk getting bigger and maybe even my thighs but my arms!!! Last time I checked there's no baby growing in my arms."

It felt like I should just throw in the towel. All the hard work was just a waste of my time. I confided in The Hubs about it that night and he said that he could understand why that would be frustrating. It's not easy working so hard and getting no positive results. But he also told me how awesome it was to see me exercising so hard with my growing baby bump. 

"You don't see many pregnant people at the gym, Kim. I saw you there and I thought you looked cute," he said.

"Cute? No one wants to look cute, Dale. They want to Are you still attracted to me?"

"Now Kim, you know that's not what I meant. Yes! I think you are sexy. When I saw you exercising there the other night, I was just so proud of you."

Just talking to him lifted my spirits. So the next day, I went back. I threw my shower bag in the locker and headed straight for the Crossramp machine. It's a lot like a stair stepper. I worked it! I was sweating profusely and breathing heavy. The song, "Beautiful" by Akon was blaring loudly in my ear piece and I felt so beautiful.

"When I see you, I run out of words to say. I wouldn't leave you because you're that type of girl to make me stay. Your so beautiful...beautiful..."
It reminded me of how blessed I am to have such a loving man to be by my side. He's always so patient with me especially when my pregnancy hormones are going crazy. And just that feeling made me want to work harder.
Who cares if my arms are getting bigger-so is my HEART! I'm stronger than ever before. (If you've been following my blog for the past two years, you'll recall me blogging about my first experience running and how I couldn't even run for 1 MINUTE). And now- I'm pushing my body further through cross training three times a week! This is the most I've exercised in any pregnancy and when people ask me how I feel, I always respond with, "The best ever. No problems at all." I really believe my energy and strength comes from a stronger heart.
After the cool down, I took off towards the shower. This has become my new secret mom obsession. I will go to the gym with unwashed hair just so I can shower there. Think about it. No kids! Usually at home, my hair is full of shampoo lather when I hear the sound of running water. I have to jump out of the shower and scoop up a 16 month old who has climbed into the Jacuzzi and turned on the hot water. So showers at the gym are a pure spa experience for me.
I opened the locker room door and saw about fifteen older women ranging in age from 60-75. They must have just finished a pool class. How awesome it was to see older women still working out and still caring. A few of them were sitting on the benches side by side in their bathing suits...just gabbing like young women do. Two of them were carrying on a conversation by the sink in their granny panties and I thought, "I want your confidence. You ladies are amazing." Here I was, covered up completely in my beach towel not wanting to expose even a knee cap and they were so free. It made me wonder...did they struggle with this confidence issue at 20, 30, 40 or 50? When did they just say, "WHO REALLY CARES! It's my body and I'm gonna love it."
Which brings me to final thought. I see so many women struggling to be thin. They think, "When I'm thin then I'll be happy." The light in their eyes has left and all that remains is insecurity and criticizing of themselves. Young women--we are putting ourselves through a literal hell. Each day we get a choice to be happy with what we've accomplished (our kids, our job, our relationships). We get a choice to be satisfied with life. But instead the choice we make is to be unhappy with ourselves, judgmental of ourselves and angry with ourselves. This cycle will NEVER end if we continue to say, "I'm not good enough."
I'm making the stand that I am good enough. I will never be Skinny Minnie or Beanpole Betty. I will not try to achieve this. I will be happy with myself, my pregnant body, my post pregnant body, my healthy body. It's not about BONES being the new beautiful or BIG being the new beautiful. It's about HEALTHY  being the new beautiful. So I work out. I sweat and most likely will remain a size 10-12. I will have a strong heart and even stronger self esteem. My eyes will be bright because the light hasn't left them and my smile will prove to all women, "I've got the confidence."
In closing, I've been studying the Proverbs 31 woman and want to encourage each of you to pick one section to claim as your own. Mine will be, "She is energetic and strong, a hard worker." This will be what I strive for each and every day.

A Wife of Noble Character

Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?
    She is more precious than rubies.
Her husband can trust her,
    and she will greatly enrich his life.
She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.
She finds wool and flax
    and busily spins it.
She is like a merchant’s ship,
    bringing her food from afar.
She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household
    and plan the day’s work for her servant girls.
She goes to inspect a field and buys it;
    with her earnings she plants a vineyard.
She is energetic and strong,
    a hard worker.
She makes sure her dealings are profitable;
    her lamp burns late into the night.
Her hands are busy spinning thread,
    her fingers twisting fiber.
She extends a helping hand to the poor
    and opens her arms to the needy.
She has no fear of winter for her household,
    for everyone has warm[c] clothes.
She makes her own bedspreads.
    She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns.
Her husband is well known at the city gates,
    where he sits with the other civic leaders.
She makes belted linen garments
    and sashes to sell to the merchants.
She is clothed with strength and dignity,
    and she laughs without fear of the future.
When she speaks, her words are wise,
    and she gives instructions with kindness.
She carefully watches everything in her household
    and suffers nothing from laziness.
Her children stand and bless her.
    Her husband praises her:
“There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
    but you surpass them all!”
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
    but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Reward her for all she has done.
    Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.
Proverbs 31:10-31

Monday, August 25, 2014

Could Someone Turn the Air on 60 Please?

1)How Far Along?
23 weeks

2) Most Noticable Symptom?
Severe preggo brain. I can't remember what I've talked to people about and probably repeat myself a bunch. Thankfully, no one has embarrassed me by saying,"You've already told me that."


A beautiful little girl!!! We are so excited. Although I swore I was having a boy the ultrasound tech checked three times. Baby Girl is getting her wish...a sister.

4)Maternity Clothes?
Ummmm yah...and dresses please. I've never been pregnant in the summer so let's just say, "I. Am. HOT!!!!" Keep the fans a blow in' and the air on 60 please! 

Yes but getting up a lot at night to go to the bathroom. Oh yeah, and I've reached that point where I have to roll over on my side and lift myself up with my arms.

6)Wedding Rings On or Off?
On during the day and off at night because my hands are swelling...and my nose too. It looks awful!!! Never experienced swelling in my nose before.

Yes! Little feet pushing on my left hip. And I've actually begun to notice my belly move when the baby pushes up on it. Love that feeling!

8)Best Moment of the Week?
Baby Girl wants to put her hand on the baby a lot. The first time she did and I told her she was moving, Baby Girl gently put her hand on my belly and looked up at me with such excitement, "Now mommy?! She's really moving now?!"

Sweetest moment ever.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Simple Kentucky Cooking with a Dash of Memories

Lately, I've been craving simplicity of just plain living. Sometimes my mind wonders back to growing up in Kentucky. Maybe it's the hot summer months here that remind me of the Appalachain mountains. Mostly, I miss looking up into the dark sky and seeing hundreds of stars shining like diamonds amongst a black canvas. The lightning bugs would flicker their yellow light as if to light the way to somewhere magical. And the sounds of Kentucky would fall asleep for another night...

At the present moment, we live nowhere near the country but not directly in the city. It has it's perks but sometimes it would be nice to be home again. Today I noticed two overly ripe bananas sitting on my counter. I was in clean-up mode and ready to trash them but something stopped me. I remembered Mamow Faye's Banana Bread. Nothing compared to the smell of moist banana bread filling her home. I wished I could ask her to make some but knew the eight hour drive was impossible for us. A sort of sad melancholy feeling arose in my heart. I almost threw the bananas in the trash.  And then something said, "Remember Kim, if you don't like your situation then change it. Make it yourself. It won't be like hers but it will be pretty close."

So I opened up my favorite cooking website, and typed in Banana Bread. The very first recipe was simple-exactly what I needed. I checked my pantry for the ingredients and found everything but the second cup of all purpose flour. But sitting right next to it was a small bag of whole wheat flour...maybe I could use that in place of the all purpose flour. I pulled it out and noticed a bag of walnuts and dried cranberries behind it-perfect! Mamow used walnuts in hers but not cranberries. Still the idea sounded appealing to me.

Baby Boy walked into the kitchen while I was mixing things up. I picked him up and sat him on the counter. A cooking partner...I love cooking with my kids. After I had poured the batter into the loaf pan, I put the bowl in between his legs and let him lick away. He was hooked after the first bite!

As I placed the loaf pan in the oven, my heart was beginning to warm again at the thought of sharing old southern traditions with my son. "How about a whole southern meal," I thought. "...with real mashed potatoes and corn."

I threw a pork loin in the roaster and began cutting up the red potatoes. In a separate pan went the canned corn (simplicity) and butter. I boiled the potatoes until they were nice and soft. I remembered my other Mamow, Mary Lou had once told me the secret to mashed potatoes... the trick was to save some of the hot starchy water in a coffee cup and microwave a little butter with milk in another coffee cup. When you are ready to blend it, use a little of both to keep your potatoes warm and fluffy. They were perfectly done. Paula Deen would have been so proud. 

I plated the food and told everyone to come eat. They all filed in as if they were starved and sat down for the prayer. Before eating, I surveyed my family enjoying the food and it pleased me. I felt proud to have remembered and shared some of the Kentucky traditions of cooking with my family. For dessert, I took out the warm banana bread and cut each one a slice. Mmmm, so good. The inside was fluffy but not crumbly and the outside was golden brown. I'm not gonna lie. I still missed my Mamow Faye making it. You just can't compete with years of experience. But it taught me something very important; even though we don't always have our family close by, the memories and love we shared will last for a lifetime.


I think the kids liked it, don't you?!

Baby Boy is handing me the fork to give him more :)

Banana Bread and Coffee...he looks pretty happy.

The Memories and Love We Share Will Last a Lifetime

Monday, August 11, 2014

That Crazy Christian Mom Who Keeps Replicating Her Seed

Sometimes I wish people wouldn't stare at me and the kids when we go to the pool. I know it's a sight. Little Miss Priss running in front while Baby Boy and I waddle along.

"Hey! No running," I say in my mom voice as I hold Baby Boy's hand. He walks painfully slow with his float on which makes my pregnant waddle even worse.

Everyone just seems to stop and stare at my belly. I look down and notice my blue and white gingham bathing suit does nothing to hide my growing bump. 

"Oh Lord. I look like a big blue picnic table cloth. All I need is to rest some fried chicken on my belly and I'd be set," I subconsciously tell myself.

Anddddd then they look at my one year old son. Anddddd then their eyes catch my three year old daughter infront of us.

I purposely stare them down. And with my fakest smile ever, I try to search their eyes for a kind soul.

The good moms look directly at me and with their eyes say,"You are amazing. How do you take two kids (and one kid in your belly) to the pool and no one ends up drowning?" I like those moms.

The "other" moms are usually hanging out with their friends and upon seeing us immediately look away and start whispering when my back is turned. Their one (or two kids) are also in the pool but they never notice them. That's what the lifeguards are for, right?

I just wish people didn't look at me as if I was trying to compete with The Duggars.  By the way, I am a huge fan of their show and secretly wish I wanted to pop out that many kids and still have an incredibly run house. But the truth is my house is a disaster and I'm just trying to make it one more minute without blowing. 

So why did I want to have three kids under the age of three you ask? For many reasons, here goes:

1)I want them to have a strong bond with each other and think that closeness in age might have something to do with that.

2)I want them to start school and spend some time together in the same school (ie: secretly high five their sibling in elementary school when their classes walk past each other).

3) I want to have them all done with college roughly the same time. Money money money.

4) I want to experience pregnancy but by the time I consider myself too old and tired to take care of newborns, I want to STOP. 

5) I just love their littleness. So I guess I just keep having kids. LOL!

In all honesty, this is such a beautiful time in my life and I wish people wouldn't stare at me as if I was a crazy Christian mom who just keeps replicating my seed. 
Actually, all my reasons have nothing to do with Christianity but everything to do with how I have always envisioned my family looking like.  

I do praise my God for these tiny souls He put us in charge of...and I wish every parent felt like I did. These kids are the greatest blessing of all. So I suppose I will  keep holding my son's hand, telling my excited girl to slow down and waddling along with love in my heart.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Dear Sweet Boy

I hopped up from the couch and grabbed my son. I could tell he was tired by the way he kept wobbling around.  It was time for our nightly routine to begin.

"Say Night Night," I told him.

He lifted his whole arm, stretched our all five fingers and turned his hand side to side. "Nigh Nigh," he said with his big toothy grin.

Lately, he's talking so much and is so proud of himself. We both praise him and I rub his head in a "good job" fashion.

Baby Boy and I walked upstairs and put his pj's on. Then we got out his favorite book about fire trucks. He laughed at the pictures and stuck his tiny finger out to touch the fire truck wheels. I marveled at his boyness and wondered why The Lord saw it fit to make me the mother of a boy.  Me? I'm the most girly girl you can get. I cry easily, don't participate in sports and really enjoy pretty things. How can I be a good mother to my fire truck loving, rough and tumbling boy? 

We finished the book and I got up to to turn off the lights. Grabbing the fleece monster blanket I had made him, I wrapped him up snuggly and laid him on my chest. I noticed his toes were sticking out from beneath the blanket and my heart saddened a little at the thought of him growing up. We said our prayer which was short because Baby Boy would rather fall asleep then talk anymore.

"As I lay me down to sleep..."

His eyes grew heavy but didn't close so I said a prayer over him as my hand rubbed his head back and forth.

"Lord, help Baby Boy to grow up loving You. Make him a God fearing man. Make him brave and strong and smart. And God please help him always know how much his mother loves him, even when our new baby comes into our lives. Amen."

I gently laid him down in his crib and covered him up with a second blanket. I laid his truck book beside him and he propped himself up to look at the pictures. 

I softly sing him his song. A made up version of Emmylou Harris, Gillian Welch and Alison Krauss's song,  "Go To Sleep You Little Baby."

"Go to sleep little baby.
Go to sleep little baby.
Momma loves you so and
Your Daddy does too, 
We'll always love you baby."

He looks up at me with those soft gray blue eyes and I know he's okay with me leaving. I think about how in a few short months, he'll no longer be my baby but my second born. And I worry so much that he will feel slighted knowing that another baby has taken the baby roll. 

I gently close the door and exhale softly.

My Dear Sweet Boy,
You came into our lives 15 months ago. I wondered how I could be a good mother to two of you. But when you were born, instant love surrounded me as I laid your head on my chest. You are my son, my second born, my wild child. You keep me on my toes and never let me sit  down but I wouldn't want it any other way. I love watching you play with box cars and go,"Broom Brooom," as you roll them across the floor. I love how fearless you are. I love how when you are most tired, you lift your tiny arms up and lay them around my neck with your head on my chest. I love how when you fall, you need your momma the most. I love folding your newly washed clothes and smelling you all over them. My dear sweet boy...always know that I loved you first and go easy on your momma when I hold tightly to you. It's hard to see you grow up. The new baby is coming but just like with Baby Girl, there is more room in my heart for all of you. I promise to rub your head, read you truck books and comfort you when you fall. My Dear Sweet Boy...