1) Learning that I can't change someone's mind. I ask myself, "Has my opinion ever changed because someone thought I needed educating?" "Nahhhhhh."
So when it comes to politics, religion, culture and parenting I don't say one single word. This goes along with #4.
2) Not chasing after people or relationships. Last year my word was "intentional." I learned that if someone wants me in their life, then they'll converse back. If not, then I let then go. When I release power, that's when God begins to work.
3) I can't please everyone. This one is in relation to my kids. Momma can't always make them happy. Sometimes, it's better to learn to "suck it up" than to get everything you want.
4) Humbling myself enough to listen more than I speak...and also...learning that I don't have to listen. I take a deep breath and pretend to listen all while dreaming about my next vacation. LOL. Did I just say that out loud??? Or if I'm on social media (to the voice of Dory) I say,"Just keep scrolling, just keep scrolling."
5) Loving my perfectly fault-full self (yes I spelled it like that on purpose). Daily I mess up. Daily I apologize. Daily I learn to accept imperfections. But I don't beat myself up anymore for being less than perfect. Instead I thank God for loving me enough to save me just as I am. That's when life becomes free. :)