Last week Baby Girl and I were folding laundry together. Hold up! Let me paraphrase...I was folding laundry in the living room floor and Baby Girl was taking everything out of the basket, just to see what 40 pieces of laundry looked like on the floor ; ) Afterwards, I took the laundry to the bedroom and bent over to pick up a book that had fallen on the floor and my back felt like something popped. Immediately, excruciating pain went through my back and down my leg. It was so bad, I could barely move! So I had to call The Hubs and ask him to come home early. He obliged and when he got home, he found me a crying mess on the couch. Poor Guy had to help me do everything...including going to the bathroom, running my bath for me and even cooking dinner. Baby Girl couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. Why was Daddy helping Momma? She tried to get me to pick her up and brokenheartedly, I had to tell her that, "Momma can't pick you up Baby Girl." She literally ran crying out of the bedroom. It breaks my heart to even think about the confusion that must have been going through her mind! Well, The Hubs took over and calmed Baby Girl down. He had so much patience! And he did it all without complaint. That's what a Godly man does. He loves his wife the same way he loves Christ. But boy was I overwhelmed with his love for Baby Girl and I.
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This is the picture text I sent my sister and brother.
I was trying to make a joke out of my back problems and
asked them to pray for me. The dinner is what The Hubs
cooked for me that night.
So as I sat in bed alone, thinking about how sometimes the Lord literally renders you unmovable so that you, so to say "stop and smell the roses," I realized how much this man truly loves me. I began to think about how I needed to be a better wife to him. Sometimes The Hubs has to work late and I become a terrible grouch. It's just like the Bible says, "It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman." Proverbs 21:19.
So I concocted a plan that I wanted to secretly announce on my blog. Why "secretly" on my blog? 1) Because The Hubs doesn't read my blog unless I ask him too. This way he'll be surprised. 2) Because this blog holds me accountable and 3) I think other wives' marriages could benefit by agreeing to....NO NAGGING, GROUCHING, SNARLING THE LIP, OR FOR LACK OF A BETTER PHRASE MAKING YOUR HUSBAND MISERABLE!
So I concocted a plan that I wanted to secretly announce on my blog. Why "secretly" on my blog? 1) Because The Hubs doesn't read my blog unless I ask him too. This way he'll be surprised. 2) Because this blog holds me accountable and 3) I think other wives' marriages could benefit by agreeing to....NO NAGGING, GROUCHING, SNARLING THE LIP, OR FOR LACK OF A BETTER PHRASE MAKING YOUR HUSBAND MISERABLE!
So for one week, I am going to bite my tongue, zip my lip and throw away the key. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am going where no wife has gone before...I am giving up nagging for ONE WHOLE WEEK!
I will be sure to let you know how my week with The Hubs went and answer these curious questions...
1) Where you able to successfully zip your lip for one week?
2) If so, did it improve your marriage?
3) What stood out to you the most about yourself?
4) What stood out to you the most about your husband?
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