Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hand Picked By God

These Are The Days...

Baby Boy made his debut at 11:26 am on April 22, 2013 weighing in at 8 lb 3.5 oz and 21.5 inches long...this blog is dedicated to him.
Baby are a dream. Sometimes I lie awake listening to you breathe-fast and then slow...I suppose you are learning how to slow your breathing down as I am learning to slow down myself. Learning to stop and ENJOY your tinyness.
Your smell...just like your daddy's smell. I love kissing your head and breathing in the smell that makes you-YOU.
Your large hands and large feet...just like Baby Girl. I believe you and her will grow up to be tall basketball piano playing people : )
You never seem to cry-unless your hungry and then it's only grunts. You sneeze like a man, so loud and manly. You even look like a little boy. You have the most hair I've ever seen on a baby and I love spiking it up...reminding me of a little skater dude ; )
You are absolutely a perfect gift from our God above. I looked at you tonight in the rocker while singing to you and I told you about how you came at the right time and God handpicked you from heaven to be our little boy.
Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep Little Baby
Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep Precious One
Momma's Here and She Loves You So Much
Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep
I LoveYou!
I never knew how I could love a son. In fact, I was a little scared with how I was going to feel when they placed you in my arms. I knew how to treat little girls. I knew they liked bows, princesses, sparkly shoes and being told their pretty. But I didn't know how to handle a boy. Would you like camoflage or sports? Would you be wild and crazy like so many others have told me boys are? Would you love me when you were older? I hoped so... But all those feelings have washed away and you fit perfectly into our family. I have found that I love you just the same as I love Baby Girl. I've learned that it doesn't matter...boy or both fit into my heart perfectly.
You didn't want to enter the world on your own. I'd joked with several people that I must have a 5 Star Womb because none of my children ever want to come out. Starting at week 38 I began having lots of contractions...but then they'd stop. It was very frustrating to think I was going in labor and then everything stop suddenly. That's when I decided that I would like to have you in our arms at week 39. We needed family here to watch your Big Sister and since they lived kind of far away we planned your induction.
You were induced by gel induction and I have to say, "It was the best decision I'd ever made." In the hospital that night, I began having contractions. Even though the doctors said that most likely the gel would do worked. I went from 1 cm to 5 cm in a few hours. My water half way broke...we thought it had broken completely though. The contractions kept coming and everytime the nurse would check me, I'd still be at 5 cm. So I decided to go ahead and get the epidural. I wanted to be able to sleep so I'd be rested when you arrived.  Finally, the doctor came in that morning and realized my water had only half way broke. She broke the rest and I went from 5 cm to 9 cm in less than an hour. I kept having intense pain in my lower abdomen. This was completely different than Baby Girl's birth.
The nurse checked me again and said, "You are complete. It's time to try practice pushing." We got ready to push and she immediately stopped me. "No. Stop. He's there. I can see the head. I need to call the doctor now." So I practiced my breathing and waited patiently. The doctor came within a few minutes and I got ready to push again. But this time, I kept getting frustrated because I couldn't see from the mirror. I kept saying, "No mom, move the mirror this way. A little to the left. I can't see." The nurse stopped me and said, "Honey, his head is right there. Just look down." "What!" I thought. I didn't even push! One contraction had sent your head out. No pushing needed. I pushed only 2 more times and very little I might add...and there you were!
It was so fast. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh at how fast you came. I was overwhelmed and suddenly realized that your whole life is going to be fast. I needed to enjoy it starting now. They placed you on my chest. You were crying loudly. "It's alright, Baby. Momma's here." They wrapped you up and you grew calm. You were perfect. Everything about you was amazing.
Son, you are precious to us. You are loved by us. You were wanted. You came at the right time...your time. You were handpicked by God.
Momma and Daddy



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