Monday, July 15, 2013

This Is The Fun Part of Life

It's finally getting easier! I knew this day would come and that it would take a little while to get there but yes, thank goodness...drum roll please... Baby Boy is sleeping through the night and Baby Girl has finally accepted the fact that she is a Big Sister for-everrrrrr!!! (No more tantrums)
This has helped my sanity tremendously : ) I have to admit, becoming a mother of two has been one of the toughest things I have had to go through but like everyone said, "It will get easier." And it has!
Someone once told me that to become a mother means you have to "die to self." At the time, I had no idea what she was talking about but now I know. It means sacrificing what you want so that your children can have what they need. It means no makeup and hair but instead dress-up with a princess. It means no hours and hours of "internetting" but instead cuddled up with your kids watching Bernies Bears (aka Berestein Bears). And, it means no more night time reading of books such as, "Fifty Shades of Grey." But instead night time reading of "Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?" Like my mother said, "Anybody can be a mother...but if you want to be a good mother you will have to sacrifice for your children."
Here are some pictures and videos from the last 12 weeks for you to browse through. I hope you enjoy! Comments are I'd like to think I didn't give up my afternoon nap to blog for nothing ; )

Do Not Let Go of That Bottle, Lady!

 Date Night with The Hubs accompanied with some "Spirits" always makes parenting a little easier ; )


1 comment:

  1. Love the post Kim. You have such a beautiful family!! Hope you guys are doing well!

