Sunday, January 5, 2014

Celebrating the Last Year of My Twenties!

Trump Winery, Charlottesville VA

              Riptides Seafood

The last year of my 20's has been eye opening...

Beep, beep, beep went the items being scanned at the Wal-Mart register. The cashier looked tired so I tried talking to her.

"How was your Christmas?"

"Oh it was fine," she said surprised that I had spoken to her.

As I looked at my items being scanned I suddenly was embarrassed. How old was I really? According to the belt line-very old. There laid Oil of Olay Anti-Aging cream, push up bras and diet bread. Gone are the days of youthful purchases, I guess. She started to scan my wine and I said jokingly, " Are you going to card me? Because if you did, that would be awesome!"

She looked at me kind of funny and said one word,"Smile."

So I did and she scanned my bottle without asking for my license.

"Why did you ask me to smile?" I now was apprehensive and nervous.

"Because I saw your crows feet."

I laughed...mostly because I was shocked she said that. "Hence the Oil of Olay products I just bought."

"But what do you do, she said? You live and go on, don't you?" 

After I left the store and drove home, I decided not to be mad. It's true. I do have crows feet but that's because I've birthed two kids. My lines tell others I've lived a full life. They tell others I've experienced every type of emotion. And I wear them proud. 

Needless to say, my 29th was awesome. I went to Riptides Seafood with my family and mom and dad. And then the next day, The Hubs and I got to pretend we were in our early twenties again-we visited two wineries and had way to much fun ;)

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