Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I (Barely) Survived Body Pump-Twice

So I thought I'd give Body Pump a second shot since the first time I tried Body Pump was after Zumba. I thought maybe it wouldn't be fair to just write off Body Pump just because I was tired.

Well...NOPE! As I sit here on the couch unmovable because I just pulled my lower back muscles, I have come to the conclusion that Body Pump is not for me. I am literally not moving because every time I do, my back is hurting excruciatingly BAD! Yes, I know that last sentence didn't sound grammatically correct but the pain has fogged my brain.

So you may think, "I don't agree with Kim at all. I love feeling strong." And believe me that is perfectly fine. If that's what you like-to do dead lifts, push ups, rows etc, by all means...GO FOR IT! This is just my opinion. 

Maybe I should try another teacher or when doing rows and dead lifts figure out a way not to strain my back but since I don't know, I think I'll just move on to the next class.

So my final review isn't that the class is bad, it's just not "my cup of tea." If I have time to go the gym, I want to do something that makes me feel good-like Zumba. 

Zumba, on the other hand, has changed me completely. For the first time in my life, I feel...sexy. Yes, I said that word and I'm a Christian and a mom (two slightly unsexy things). But since this is the last year in my twenties, I want to spend my adult woman years feeling confident and beautiful. 

So if Body Pump is for you, do it. Do whatever makes you feel good about yourself. And if it's not? Don't beat yourself up over it. Dust off your shoes and move on to something else.


1)There's a lot of equipment you'll need for this class. Don't be a wimp! Go up and ask somebody to help you. It took me asking 3 women to help me!!!

2) Get that spot in the back corner if you're uncomfortable with yourself. There's a lot of squats in this class and I was very aware of how many people behind me saw my big ole butt squatting!

3) If it's your first time, just get the 1-2 pound weights. Later you'll know if you can add more on.

Good luck and please send up some mercy prayers for my back!