"Hey! No running," I say in my mom voice as I hold Baby Boy's hand. He walks painfully slow with his float on which makes my pregnant waddle even worse.
Everyone just seems to stop and stare at my belly. I look down and notice my blue and white gingham bathing suit does nothing to hide my growing bump.
"Oh Lord. I look like a big blue picnic table cloth. All I need is to rest some fried chicken on my belly and I'd be set," I subconsciously tell myself.
Anddddd then they look at my one year old son. Anddddd then their eyes catch my three year old daughter infront of us.
I purposely stare them down. And with my fakest smile ever, I try to search their eyes for a kind soul.
The good moms look directly at me and with their eyes say,"You are amazing. How do you take two kids (and one kid in your belly) to the pool and no one ends up drowning?" I like those moms.
The "other" moms are usually hanging out with their friends and upon seeing us immediately look away and start whispering when my back is turned. Their one (or two kids) are also in the pool but they never notice them. That's what the lifeguards are for, right?
I just wish people didn't look at me as if I was trying to compete with The Duggars. By the way, I am a huge fan of their show and secretly wish I wanted to pop out that many kids and still have an incredibly run house. But the truth is my house is a disaster and I'm just trying to make it one more minute without blowing.
So why did I want to have three kids under the age of three you ask? For many reasons, here goes:
1)I want them to have a strong bond with each other and think that closeness in age might have something to do with that.
2)I want them to start school and spend some time together in the same school (ie: secretly high five their sibling in elementary school when their classes walk past each other).
3) I want to have them all done with college roughly the same time. Money money money.
4) I want to experience pregnancy but by the time I consider myself too old and tired to take care of newborns, I want to STOP.
5) I just love their littleness. So I guess I just keep having kids. LOL!
In all honesty, this is such a beautiful time in my life and I wish people wouldn't stare at me as if I was a crazy Christian mom who just keeps replicating my seed. 
Actually, all my reasons have nothing to do with Christianity but everything to do with how I have always envisioned my family looking like.

Actually, all my reasons have nothing to do with Christianity but everything to do with how I have always envisioned my family looking like.
I do praise my God for these tiny souls He put us in charge of...and I wish every parent felt like I did. These kids are the greatest blessing of all. So I suppose I will keep holding my son's hand, telling my excited girl to slow down and waddling along with love in my heart.
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