Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Lump of Coal in the Middle of Diamonds

I had just finished putting the kids in quiet time when a radio conversation from this morning popped into my head. The radio host had brought up the topic of judging God based on the people that make up a church. Specifically, he was talking about why people get discouraged with Christianity. I remembered him saying,"It's like having one lump of coal in the middle of all these shiny diamonds. It kind of spoils the whole
bunch." The coal was referencing people in the church who discourage others from becoming Christians based on the way they conduct their lives. It was sort of like the example of,"One bad apple spoils the whole bunch." However, I liked what one of his guests said," But thank God forJesus- He's the only perfect one." It's true though. Most people can think of one person in the church who has dissapointed them and made them think,"Well if that's what's they're like, then I want no part in the church." Don't get me wrong, going to church definitely doesn't make you a Christian. But...going to church certainly can help you in your walk with Christ. I thought about what kind of example I might be giving to others of the "Christian Walk." And honestly, it started to stress me out because I KNOW I'm not perfect. I KNOW I have made mistakes. I KNOW I am no where close to being like Jesus. It burdened my heart to think that maybe someone out there looked at me and said,"I definitely don't want to be a Christian now." But then I had a Holy Spirit Wake Up Call. It all began to click.

"But thank God you have Jesus. Thank God he suffered and died for your imperfect self so that you might have life again. Thank God  He loved you enough to forgive you of all your failures. Thank God he took you, this tarnished lump of coal and applied pressure to you and molded you into a beautiful diamond for God's glory. Thank God!"

Immediately, I thought of that song,"Redeemed" and just had to listen to it. I turned it on and clasped my hands together. In the stillness of our living room, I praised God for loving me. For working on me daily. For giving me peace  when sometimes this world fights against me and for redeeming me.

If I could encourage you, it would be to keep your eyes on the perfect one-Jesus. Don't look this way or that because Christians aren't perfect. We just keep trying to follow the one that set us free.

"I am redeemed. You set me free. So I'll take off these heavy chains and wipe away every stain 'cause I'm not who I used to be. I am redeemed, thank God redeemed."

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