My heart has been so heavy with the way people (from both sides) have been handling our current political situation. Just ugliness, pure and simple. Of course if the outcome of the election had been different, I would still feel disgust with how both sides were treating each other. Treating others anything less than the best is unacceptable.
One day I had just had it, thinking to myself, "Is this what God sees?" I really couldn't understand
why He just didn't take us all out, you know, start all over in a Noah's Ark kind of way. But then again, that's why I'm not God and He is. His grace is limitless. My grace is a short fuse! I'm working on that ;) That's when I decided I had to do something radical and not just my annual Facebook Fast. This time around, I would force myself to pray for others...not for myself but for the friends I see through Facebook. I thought to myself, "How about combat this ugliness with love. Love that comes from a God willing to love even me, a sinner!" I decided that I would pray for all my friends. 19 to be exact...and then 19 new ones the next day until I had prayed for all 562 friends.
The first two days have been insightful. It literally took all day. I'd sit down after doing something and pick out a few friends to pray for. I then sent them an email telling them that I had prayed God's blessing on them and their families. The response I have gotten in a mere two days has been awe jnspiring. Of course, I would never divulge what my friends have asked me to pray for but I will say that my heart hurt for them. The thing is everyone is going through something that we don't know about. Everyone needs grace. And God in all His majesty has given them that grace. I was overwhelmed to realize that not only does God see the ugliness of everyone's heart, He also sees their pain, their problems, their entire life...
Tonight I took our puppy out to potty and shut the door behind me. The cold air hit my face in a refreshing kind of way and the quietness was as if God was saying, "Pray to Me." So I lifted my head to the sky and noticed one single light in a sea of darkness.
"Lord, there is so much darkness in this world, so much that I can't handle. But You are that one shining light for all to see. Never having made a mistake, always giving us grace and love. You are perfect in everyway and everything I long to be. Thank you for calling on me to pray for my friends. It has shown me a little glimpse of all that You see. And thank you for giving me grace even when I know I don't deserve it. Amen."