As a teen, I used to spend an hour on the phone with friends and I'm sure you did too. When dating, my now husband, starting at 9 o'clock we would spend an hour on the phone with each other every night. Our relationship was first built on communication. It forced us to listen to each other and work on our conversational skills.
I have to admit though, in today's society hardly anyone calls anymore. And yes, I'm including myself when talking about today's society. Sometimes it's much easier to just text someone quickly or comment on someone's photos on Facebook. But does that truly mean you understand and KNOW that person. Absolutely not!
Too often than not, people will see me in passing and say, "Oh I loved that picture you posted."
"Oh really, thanks!" I'd say. But really in my head, I was wondering how come our relationship only goes as far as a Facebook Like.

The problem with today's society is that social media is killing our social skills. For me personally, I really try to make an effort to see people at least monthly or call my dear friends weekly. It's that deep communication my soul longs for and really misses. Have you felt like that too?
I know that I can't rely on people to fulfill my life...God does that. But humans were created to be social. And not social in the "sit behind your computer and troll on your friends' pictures." Social as in, intentionally scheduling time together, whether that be a phone date or meet up.
But here's the kicker. I have discovered that some people like to keep their friends at a distance. And that's okay as long as the other party isn't affected. Because of that, I can only make a relationship go as far as the other person wants to take it. And because I may be an odd ball and truly enjoy other's company (sarcasm there), the only thing I have control of is myself. So like water rolling off a ducks' back I must let the relationship just be.
My encouragement to you and words of advice for me would be to build connections with the people who want you in their life. Don't get so bogged down with busyness and forget to call your closest friends and family. And like my grandmother would say, "Like water rolling off a duck's back, let it go."
P.S. Mamow Mary Lou, I'm calling you tomorrow!
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