January 4th just happens to be the best day of the year...my birthday! But this birthday was extra special because I had already asked my husband not to get me anything. In other words, I’m not a stuff lover. I didn’t need any more things in my house to collect dust. He was surprised by my response and nonchalantly said, "Sorry, I already got it through Amazon Prime. You have to open it.” So begrudgingly, I began opening this heavy box which could not be anything good, right? Inside, I noticed a huge ream of paper with a file folder on top. I looked up at him with a small inquisitive smile that said,”What in the world have you done?” He just grinned back, reminding me of a little boy who had done something mischievous. Inside the file folder was a dream come true! He had secretly planned an ENTIRE TRIP to Waco, TX! Even going as far as planning out the itinerary for the weekend. My mouth hit the floor in utter amazement when I realized he was taking me to MAGNOLIA SILOS! Joanna Gaines style for home décor is everything I strive for in my own home. So to get the opportunity to see her business was magical. As you can imagine, I gave him the biggest hug and kiss ever. A couple weeks later, we were flying high in the sky...

Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Psalm 36:5
Every cloud in the sky seemed to blanket the Earth and reminded me of a verse in Psalms.
He turned in all his frequent flyer miles so we could go. One of the few benefits from a job that requires my husband to travel.
Aw, nothing starts the morning off right then a favorite drink in hand. That may or may not be just orange juice. I'm not telling ;)
After flying into Dallas we drove the two hours to Waco!
Perfectly happy to do life with him. We made it to Magnolia Market at The Silos!
601 Webster Avenue
Waco, Texas 76706
Want to write an old fashioned letter to someone? You can here! It was neat to see people taking the time to write a note to someone special.
Magnolia Gardens, nothing blooming in February but the garden store was very cute.
The Magnolia Bakery, where all your cupcake dreams come true.
About to enter the store!
Just beautiful! So many sights to take in. I wanted to VERY SLOWLY walk around noticing everything.
It was a crowded day but everyone was kind, probably because we were all so excited to be there!
Food Trucks, Food Trucks and more Food Trucks! We chose Captain Billy's Whizzbang's Hamburgers. Mmmhhh with the bacon crushed inside the hamburger patty.
After some time at the Silos, we decided to venture out and get a cup of coffee. What better place than Common Grounds featured in the Fixer Upper episode, "A Craftsman Remodel for Coffeehouse Owners." We loved the laidback college atmosphere and Cowboy Coffee.
1123 S.8th Street
Waco, Texas 76706
Next was a stop to Harp Design Co. where you all will be very familiar with Clint Harp's work. Of course, I had to buy two candlesticks from his store.
808 N. 15th Street
Waco, Texas 76707
Next door to Harp Design Co. is the Harp House. You may remember this being Clint Harp's home that Chip and Joanna remodeled. It's now used as Bed and Breakfast.
After the two hour drive back to Dallas, we ate at a Southeast Asian Restaurant called Lava 10. Can you tell we LOVE sushi! SO GOOD!
On Day 2, we wanted to go back to Waco and look at a few homes Chip and Joanna remodeled as well as drive by their home. I was beyond excited!
Even though it was a dreary day, my enthusiasm to see their home was like sunshine.
And then it was off to JDH Iron Designs, not too far from Chip and Joanna's home. You may recall that Jimmy Don's Iron Designs was featured in Fixer Upper for his unique metal signs.
9685 N Lone Star Pkwy, Valley Mills, TX 76689
We looked around his store and the viewing room. Of course we had to buy a sign. I so hoped we would get to meet Jimmy Don but after much waiting it didn't look like that would happen. So as we walked out the door talking about the sign we had just ordered, a man came around the corner and says, "Hi, there." I was in celebrity shock! All I could think to say was, "Are you Jimmy Don?"
It was! Jimmy Don talked to us about how he chose his metals and the blessing it was to have been featured on Fixer Upper. He seemed like such a happy guy who truly loved his work. Our day was made!
This is the sign we ordered. Isn't it great?
In the final hours of our day, we decided to play detective and locate some of the Fixer Upper Homes.
I've shared the addresses incase you'd like to see them too!
Beanstalk Bungalow
28th Street and Gorman Avenue
The Gorman Story
20th Street and Gorman Avenue
The Original Magnolia Store
3801 Bosque Blvd, Waco Texas
I hope you enjoyed reading my Magnolia blog. This is only Part One of our Texas adventure. I have a whole other blog dedicated to Southfork Ranch coming soon! Yes, I said that correctly. Along with being a Fixer Upper Fan, I am also a Dallas fan. Stay tuned for our final Sunday adventure.