Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Boy or Girl, Blogiversary and How Do I Comment/Follow You?

Boy or Girl?

Well yesterday was wonderful and crazy! We took Baby Girl with us to the ultrasound appointment and she almost broke the whole bed apart! Note to self: I know it's sweet to bring the little one to the ultrasound appointment but never do it again! LOL!

It has become tradition/superstition that I drink orange pop before going to my appointment because for some crazy reason, I think the Baby will move more with a suggary drink in their system. It worked with Baby Girl but Baby #2 didn't want to move very much. So I had to get on all fours to try and get the baby to flip. Everyone laughed at me but I'd heard that works sometimes! And it did work...Baby #2 flipped over and...It's a BOY! The Hubs and I are getting a son : ) We are so excited because now I get to buy everything boy...truck shirts, blue shirts, and even camoflage (for the grandfathers/great grandfathers of the family). He is already loved so much!

Six Month  Blogiversary

Six months ago, I took a huge leap of faith and decided to create an inspirational blog and since then I have consistently had about 50 followers read my posts. The Lord is Good! Not because of that but because He has consistently shown me that this was HIS PLAN! He wanted me to step over the imaginary line, we women refuse to cross. He wanted me to be brave and admit my fears and dive deeper into a more spiritual relationship with Him. And because of that the blog has been read well over 3,400 times and reached 25 countries! I am so amazed at HIS MIRACLES. When I began this blog, I thought no one would read it. But month after month, I have received "thank you" emails for the infertility blog or "yes that's me" emails for the anxiety blog. Every time I get ready to close it down for fear I have exposed to much of myself, the Lord sends someone to email me and it proves that He wants me to do this.

So thank you for reading because it shows you also want to better yourself for the Lord. You want those tough questions answered. You want to search out the FATHER for a deeper relationship with HIM.

I have had several people say to me, "I can't comment" or "I don't know how to follow your blog." So here's how, in case you would like to receive emails about upcoming blog posts.
The Easiest Way:
  1. At the bottom of the page, click Follow By Email and insert your email address. You will receive direct emails from me when I post.
 The Follower Way:
  1. The middle right hand side of the page under "Followers" click on Google Friend Connect.
  2. Find which account you already have (Google, Twitter, Yahoo etc). If you don't see your account, you can create one on Google by clicking "Create a New Google Account" at the bottom of the same screen.
  3. Type in your password and follow the commands on the screen.
        By doing this, you will receive emails to your account telling you when new posts are created.
"If You Want to Comment":
  1. At the bottom of the post, click where the word "Comment" is shown. From there, type your message and click Comment As:  
  2. You should see a list of ways you can identify yourself. If you don't have a google account, click Anonymous.
  3. Type your message and include your name if you wish, so I can respond back to you.




  1. Hooray Friend! What fantastic new they were going to say boy didn't you! I am so happy for you and your family. Can't wait to meet him...

  2. Momma's intuition is very powerful! Thanks for your sweet comment : )
