Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pregnancy Update Blog: Hello Third Trimester!

28 Weeks- Hello Third Trimester!
Gender: It’s a Boy! His blog name has officially been set as Baby Boy : )
Weight Gain: 16 pounds! I’m right on track but still find it hard to see the numbers keep creeping up ; )
Movement: I’m pretty sure Baby Boy’s head is permanently attached to my bladder. At the oddest times of day, I get the sudden urge to pee and then, just as quickly as it comes, the urge goes away. It’s the weirdest feeling ever. He also moves A LOT when Baby Girl “pretend cries.” He seems already attached to his sister.
Sleep: Hmmm? What is that? I truly believe I can’t remember what it feels like to actually sleep through the night. I get up at least 5 times a night. Correction: I slowly roll over and lift myself up with my arms five times a night. It’s quite a workout to even get out of bed!
Symptoms: Mood Swings…sometimes pregnant angry at everyone in my sight and sometimes pregnant sad. You know, where you cry at the stupidest things but to you it all makes sense to cry ; ) Other symptoms include heartburn and pressure. I suppose with the second baby, pressure just seems to increase since the baby sits lower but sometimes I’m like, “Are you gonna fall out?!”
Cravings: Yah! The craving for meat has passed!!! No more Burger King burgers with mayo for me. Now, it’s fruit and milk…and lots of it. My mamow makes this incredible fruit salad and in two days I ate about 6 cups of fruit (I kid you not). And milk…I drink at least 3 glasses a day. One day, The Hubs wanted to stop by a Dunkin Donuts. It just so happened that it happened to be a Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins combo! Yah!!!! I got mint chocolate chip and oreo crème icecream (don’t judge- it was a small)…but still- it was soooo good : )
Best Moment of the Week: Sitting in the bed with Baby Girl and The Hubs for a night time pow wow! Baby Girl lifts up my shirt (she does this a lot lately) and says, “Baby.” Then she lifts up her shirt and The Hubs shirt and declares that they too have a “Baby” in their bellies : ) We tried to explain to her that only mommy’s have babies but she really doesn’t comprehend what’s going on. Despite it all, it was really cute.

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