Wish I had googled Yoga Hatha before going. I thought I was in for a very relaxing gym class. No way! It was hard work. It's a strength building yoga. And after doing all those plank type yoga moves, my abs were so sore the next day.

This class was great but I would recommend not doing any other classes if you plan on trying it. Big mistake for me. After busting my butt in Cycle, I decided to try this. Definitely required a lot more energy than I had left. What did I discover about myself? That I'm not as flexible as I thought I was. People three times my age could move their arms, back and legs much further than I could. The best part of the class came at the end.
As we were all laying on our backs, the instructor told us to put our hands on our stomach if we would like some adjustments. I was like, "Ummm...ok. Don't know what that means but I'll give it a shot."
With my eyes closed and listening to the sound of peaceful music, she came over and put her hands on my shoulders/back and gently massaged my shoulders. It lasted like five seconds and when she left I was thinking, "Now how come the whole class couldn't have been like that?"
1) They have mats and blocks at the gym but next time I'll bring my own mat. I was a little weirded out with having my face laying where someone else's feet had previously been.
2) Don't come to Yoga with a lot of mind chatter. Leave your worries at the door because all the poses will require a lot of concentration. And if you're not fully engaged you won't be able to handle the moves.
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