We had seen my dad's side of the family on Saturday and were now driving to my mom's side of the family on Sunday.
"Would you like to stop by your papaw's grave, Kim?"
His question surprised me. Mostly because he had remembered me saying how much I wanted to introduce the kids to Papow.
"Yes," I said slowly. "I would love to drive up there.
He made the turn up the holler and the car began climbing the hill to the top. "Wow," I thought. "So many more graves since last time."
But the hill was so pretty with it's shades of green and yellow. And it reminded me of the dream I talked about with you all at Christmas. Baby Boy was sleeping soundly in the back, but Baby Girl was wide awake.
"Where are we mommy," her little voice questioned?
"We are here to see Papow Homer's grave."
"But I don't see him mommy."
Her question brought me to the realization that her tiny mind might not fully understand what I was about to say.
We walked closer to his grave and I stood with her and said, "He's here, in the ground."
"Why is he in the ground?" Baby Girl could not understand it.
"Sometimes, God calls us home."
He says,"Your job is done and now it's time to live with me in Heaven."
"That's where Papow Homer is-in Heaven with God."
Baby Girl was so quiet and deep in thought. "But I don't want to go to Heaven."
"Aw honey, you're not going to Heaven now," I said as I placed my hand on my heart. "You will stay here with me. But when you are older, your heart might stop beating and you will get to go to Heaven with God. Heaven is such a happy place. Nobody cries in Heaven, Baby Girl. But for now, you get to stay with daddy and I."
The Hubs chimed in. "And see these are his brothers beside him. Why don't you put a flower on Papow Homer's grave."
My little girl gently bent down and picked up a bright yellow dandelion. Her tiny hands gently placed the dandelion on top of the gravestone. It was the sweetest act of pure respect and love.
The Hubs noticed that I had tears in my eyes.
"Time to go, Baby Girl," he said. They both started walking to the car.
"Bye Papow," I whispered.
"I miss you. I know your proud of Baby Girl. I'll bring Baby Boy back next year. I love you."
It's always hard to walk back to the car when it's time to say goodbye...almost feels as if your leaving them forever. As we drove away, I saw the dandelion on top of the gray gravestone. It reminded me that in a world of hurting, one day we will be on the other bright side. We will walk in fields of beautiful flowers, dance on clouds, sit at our Heavenly Father's feet and breathe in happiness, relaxation, joy and everlasting LIFE.
But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decrees before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had they would not have crucified The Lord of glory. But, as it is written,
"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him."
1 Corinthians 2:7-9
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