Spring Time is in the air. Trees are budding, flowers are blooming, ants are on the move and the ticks seem to be flying ;) We all love this warm weather. Some evenings we eat outside and enjoy the frogs singing in the evening. It's a beautiful time of year...
Baby Girl can buckle herself now and loves singing. She's very proficient in "The Pledge of Allegiance" and when counting gets stuck after twelve and says, "Beleventeen." She's very independent and won't let you do anything for her. Love my tough as nails princess. Yes, unfortunately she thinks she's Elsa from Frozen. And the other day she asked when she could marry the prince. Good Lord, we need to enroll her in Karate-fast;) I'm so blessed to have my precious Baby Girl in my life. Almost once a week, I tell her the story about how badly I wanted her, how much I prayed for her and how much love I felt for her when she was born. Love that girl like no other.

Baby Boy has every bit of my heart. He has certainly turned into a toddler over night. He's pushing me away when I try to rock him to sleep at night. Atleast I can get him to sit long enough for a
book. He has learned to shake his head, "No," wave at me, make clicking sounds, say Da-Da and his favorite word of all is, "Wow!" Sometimes, especially when meeting new people he smiles at them, then looks to me to see if it's ok. Then he "acts" like he's shy and buries his head in my neck. We all know he's just flirting. He's everything I thought a boy would be like...into everything, fearless, beyond brave and easy going :) I sure do love him.

Spending the morning at a great park with a picnic lunch. The kids each have a play date friend...including their Momma's :)

Two sweet smiling princesses...

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