Thursday, August 16, 2012


So about two weeks ago, The Hubs and I went on vacation together to DC. It was one of the best vacations I've ever taken. I have to admit, I was a little worried about keeping up my exercise on vacation. But I did manage to run twice at the hotel gym. Apparently DC is huge...I never got that memo. We walked EVERYWHERE and definitely burned some calories doing that.

The next week, we had to go to Balitmore (The Hubs was on a business trip)  and no exercise for me at all. It was an interesting week. The Hubs was working all the time and I couldn't just go to the hotel gym with a baby. So nothing more to say there...last week suuuuucked.

This week I've tried to run twice and both times quit early because I just didn't have any energy. But I pushed myself through it and ran 8 minutes the first time and 6 minutes the second time. I know I know... NOT what I've usually done in the past. But I tried to make it count and walk extra long. I think the lack of energy has more to do with my own thoughts kicking me down. I'm notorious for worrying about everything. And yes ladies, I did stoop to that "regrettable" low I tried so hard to resist... I got on the scale and got majorly discouraged with the number. I kept saying to myself, "What's the point of me running if nothing's happening?!" I know that's a terrible attitude to have but might as well be honest with you all (pretty sure there's someone out there who feels exactly like I do).

On a positive note, I did meet with my "Personal Trainer" friend. Ironically, she wanted to meet at a restaurant. I was on the phone with my sister right before I went out that night and told her that I was going to a restaurant with a personal trainer to discuss my eating habits. She laughed and said, "I don't know if a restaurant is the best place to go." Talk about total anxiety with the menu choices : )

But anyway, back to my friend Kristin Weber (the Personal Trainer)...she was awesome. I brought along some food diary entries I've logged from and she immediatley found my areas of weakness and gave me good alternatives to try. For instance, I like to make a "diety" version of french toast in the morning and she caught on that I wasn't consuming any protein in the morning. So instead she told me that with every meal I need to have one protein, one fat, and one carb. So...this morning I had one piece of toast with peanut butter on it. I think peanut butter counts as a protein and fat ; ) Did I mention I have a  LOVE AFFAIR with Peter Pan Honey Roasted Creamy Peanut Butter? PB Addiction runs in the family : ) Then she brought up the good point that I don't consume alot of fruits and vegetables. So a good rule of thumb is to have one fruit or vegetable with every meal and try to get at least two vegetables at dinner (ultimate goal is 5-6 fruits or vegetables/day). So...this morning I paired a plum with the toast (I made it a small fruit...because for some reason I just don't like thinking about eating an entire apple in the that cheating?) Kristin was awesome and gave great advice...I definitely recommend her to anyone out there looking for a personal trainer/diet coach.

So to recap, "Tomorrow is always fresh...with no mistakes in it." I will try try again. I will try not to get discouraged with the scale and I will FORCE myself to eat a fruit or vegetable with every meal (haha!)

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