Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tantrums...Overwhelm Her With Love!

Yea! I found something that works for tantrums...sorta. But before I begin, let me set the stage for what happened today.

This pic is so sad. But people she was mad because momma
was trying to show her how to feed the baby doll and she didn't want me to.
I promise this tantrum only lasted two seconds...I had to
get a picture to show her when she's older : )
 In the floor, Baby Girl was playing quietly with her baby dolls while I did the dishes. Then a friend of mine called to talk about a dinner date we had planned.  As soon as the phone rang and I said, "Hello" Baby Girl threw a fit. It was as if she was mad that I was giving my attention to someone else instead of her. She started yelling as loud as she could. And when I looked to see what she was doing, she was laying on her back in the floor kicking her legs and throwing her arms all over the place. Her face was as red as a tomato...she was mad--really mad!

Instead of being embarrassed, I found myself becoming angry. Why? Because I couldn't hear my friend and Baby Girl should know better, right?! Wrong! She's 15 months old. She doesn't understand to be quiet when I'm on the phone. So I tried ignoring it for awhile but it got worse...I looked over and she was biting her Little Tikes Picnik Table. Why did she do that? I haven't got a clue. So I tell my friend I have to get off the phone.

Hi Momma! I'm playing on my chair.
Believe me! I've tried everything! I've tried ignoring her. I've tried walking away. I've even tried mimicking her and throwing a tantrum too! Nothing was working. But I hadn't tried more of an "OVERWHELM HER WITH LOVE" approach. I remember learning about that from a wonderful professor I had in graduate school. He said that when children are angry and not behaving then they are seeking attention. So...do the opposite-- give them tons of attention!

So I took Baby Girl into the bedroom and we sat on the bed together. I gave her a big hug and didn't let go. I spoke to her very quietly and said, "Baby Girl, this is not the way to act when Momma is on the phone. You need to be quieter." She immediately stopped screaming and yelling. She looked at me with those big blue eyes and I swear, it was almost as if she was saying, "I sure do love you Momma. Thanks for hugging me." She grew calmer and calmer and before you know it, I told her the Tickle Monster was gonna get 'er and she gave me the biggest toothiest smile ever!

Hmmmm! So that's what it takes to tame her temper...I sure do hope this continues to work her whole life, because I have no problem overwhelming her with love. It sure beats "trying" to ignore the tantrums or saying, "No" a thousand times.
This has nothing to do with my blog but I thought it was a cute pic.
She loves peanut butter fries (it's really a piece of toast with peanut
butter cut into a french fry shape).
Tonight, I took Baby Girl in my arms and began to rock her to sleep (this is our favorite part of the day together). I even prayed with her! We said, "As I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep and if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take...and Lord please help Baby Girl grow up to be a kind person always displaying love."  I paused suddenly and realized I needed to pray for me too..."and God please help me to be a good momma always displaying love for Baby Girl. Amen." Baby Girl fell asleep a few minutes later, knowing how much her momma and daddy love her and how much the Lord loves her too.

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9

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