Monday, January 6, 2014

Running (Again) after Baby #2

Wow! I did it. No more complaining now or saying I can't run more than 10 minutes because... I just ran 30 minutes!

I'm just so proud of myself. You all know before Baby Boy was born, I documented how I wanted to get back into running after 10 years of quitting, right? Well, then I got pregnant and didn't really run until The Hubs and I started training for our first post high school 5k in October. The race was a color run and I pushed myself to run 10 minutes without stopping. I was so proud of myself then too!

But now, I want to shout it to the roof top because the last time I ever ran 30 minutes without stopping was high school cross country. Goes to show you that even if you take a break, you can bounce right back into it pretty quickly.

So yes, I'm documenting my running post baby #2 now. It felt so good to turn on Pandora and listen to "Shake SeƱora Remix." I could run forever to that type if music :)

My New Years resolution was to go to the gym twice a week. Yes, I know...such a ambitious goal, right? But hey, you got to start small. So I also tried Zumba! Let's just say, I hope no one remembers me there! I just can't get my butt to do those things! And every time I looked in the mirror while I was dancing, I had to look away because I was the only one who looked like an idiot. However, I had such a good time that I think I'm gonna go back--but just practice the moves before I go.

In the end, I'm having FUN! Loving the fact that my body can run 30 minutes now and do some crazy Zumba on the side :)

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