Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year


According to The Hubs and I, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year. We are Christmas-holics! When we first married we'd go to every after Christmas sale and stock up. Now? Our stock pile is so plentiful we don't need to go-accept for wrapping paper :) 

Since Tiny is coming very soon we figured we'd better get a move on our Christmas decorating. So recently we spent all weekend getting out the mountain of Christmas tupperwares and decorating the house.

While The Hubs did the hard work of unloading and setting up the tree, I spent the morning making Christmas bows. It's my absolute favorite Christmas tradition. There's something about just picking out the ribbon and being extra creative that puts me in the Christmas spirit. While
the kids watched Polar Express we worked hard all day long. Here's some photos to document our progress.

Lots of people ask me, "How do you get your bows so uniform?" And I tell them the key is to buy a Bowdabra! Seriously it is not a waste of money. If you think about all the Christmas bows you can make for each window, bannister and fireplace you are saving money right there. It is extraordinarily expensive to purchase premade bows! Spend a little money for the bowdabra.

I finally made myself a Christmas mantle fireplace decoration. It took 7.5 years! Our theme is candy canes.
Notice the baby gate around the tree. Also notice that Baby Boy brought in a stool to try and climb over. This kid is so creative;)

And I finally made a mailbox wreath! It matches all the bows on the windows of the house.

But you know what my most favorite part of Christmas is?

Hanging the stockings! And this year we have Tiny's stocking ready for her. I got them monogramed at Mackenzie Grace, a store in Chesterfield, Virginia. They always do such a quality job when I ask them to monogram the kids' baby blankets or stockings. 

Merry Christmas everyone!!! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Momma's Heart

"Do you know how the baby is going to get out of momma's belly?"

I looked at The Hubs with shear panic and extremely raised eyebrows. What was he trying to do?!

"No, how?"
"Ask your momma," said Mr. Jokester with the biggest smirk ever.

She looked at me very curiously and I answered with the most brief and complete response suitable to a three year old..."Magic and Fairy Dust, Baby Girl. Magic and Fairy Dust."

That seemed to satisfy her curiosity for the time being. Later that night, I was putting her to bed when she asked me, "Momma, when the baby comes out what kind of shirt will she wear?"

I chuckled. "Honey, she won't be wearing clothes."

"She won't be wearing clothes! She'll be nakie?"

"Yes, there are no stores inside mommy's belly to buy clothes for the baby. She will be naked. Just like you were and just like  Baby Boy was."

She did that preschool giggle and placed her hand over her mouth as if to say that was the craziest thing she'd ever heard. I tried to change the subject fast and remind her we needed to pray. After prayers, she said,"Momma will you sing to me my night time song?" And my heart melted.

To the tune of an old bluegrass song I sang, "Go to sleep Little Izzy, Go to Sleep Little Izzy. Momma loves you so and daddy does too. We'll always love you baby." She put her hands under her head and closed her eyes. That was all she needed to know she was loved.
I went to check on my precious son who was fast asleep in his bed. I heard his heavy breathing and knew it was safe for me to kiss his cheek and rub his head. I thought about how earlier that evening, he came over to me and said, "Ninny!" Thats his best pronunciation for "Mommy." He had put his little hands on my legs and was trying to climb up into my lap. Oh I was so tired and didn't feel like lifting him up but his hopeful eyes and loving smile made me push through the tiredness and lift him up. I kissed his neck  and held him close. Oh his smell. His sweet little boy smell. And the thought crossed my mind, "When did he become my little boy and not my baby boy?" 

As I closed his door softly, I walked to my bedroom to change into pj's. My mind was centered around my kids. My
Momma's Heart was flustered. These sweet little kids are about to get another sibling. 

I prayed, "Lord, help them to know they are still loved despite the fact that they may not get a lot of attention when the baby is born. Help them to still feel like my sweet little loves. I don't want them to feel slighted in the least. And give me courage to go through another delivery again. I am excited to meet our little one but oh so tired. Lord I love you and know you will walk me through my final delivery. Amen."

                                      My sister and I, pregnant together both with baby girls.

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 NLT)

Pregnancy Update 34.5 Weeks...
Tiny are head down and ready to go. My hips and legs ache and I definitely waddle. I love feeling your kicks at night. You keep your knees and feet right at my belly button. Sometimes if I lay on my left side I feel a huge knot near my ribs and I know your tiny feet are poking me. The doctor says my blood pressure is going up and he has mentioned having to induce me a little early. This worries me for your safety. But everyone I talk to says that 38 weeks is fine. That means in less than a month you will be here! I am so excited to meet you. But a little nervous about those sleepless nights to come. We are working on your room and I think it fits you perfectly. Grey and purple's soothing to be in there. Sometimes I sit in your nursery chair with my hand on my belly and imagine what you will look like. I can not wait to meet you and smell your beautiful baby smell. I can not wait to look at those tiny fingers wrap around my pinky. I can not wait to hear you breath slow and then fast. I pray for a safe delivery and health for both of us. We have nothing to worry about because the Lord will be with us. You have so many people who love you already but I think the one person (besides momma and daddy) who is most excited for your arrival is your Big Sister. She talks about you all the time and she can't wait to hold you. Come safely and quickly little one. There is a lot of people ready to meet McKinlea Faith.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Two Ways to Be a Less Stressed Momma When It Comes to Planning and Making Family Dinner

I LOVE to cook for my family. But my biggest problem is planning. I just HATE not being able to be spontaneous. I feel like my time would be best spent having fun with my kids, doing laundry, and taking them to doctors appointments then sitting down to plan a week of meals. Sure, my idea is a good one but it never works out. I always end up waiting til the last minute to cook and then I get all freaked out and think there's nothing but Hamburger Helper to fix.

So this week, I actually made the effort to make a menu. Then I went to the grocery store only for those items. Baby Boy was melting down so I skipped all the inside aisles and only focused on meats and veggies.

I wrote on our chalkboard the weekly menu ( definitely not Pinterest worthy but it got the job done). And I stood back and sighed in relief. It was done. I could wipe the sweat from my "planning" brow and focus on having fun with my kids at the park later that afternoon.

Do you know what I realized? Just by doing a little bit of planning made my day so much easier.

I'd wake up, look at the menu, lay the meat out in the fridge to marinate and go get the kids ready to go out. When I got back for lunch and nap, I'd put them to bed and get out my favorite cooking item...a roaster. In went the meat and a can of green beans. No need to salt, the marinade would take care of that. I'd cook it at 250 degrees from about 1-3 and then 200 until The Hubs got home. It even freed up some time to make a dessert.

So since I'm about to talk about dessert, let me talk about something else I've been working wasted food. You would be amazed with how much food I store in the fridge. That would be fine if we actually ate it but most of the time it gets stuffed further and further back in the fridge never to see the light of day again. Inevitably, it always ends up in the garbage disposal two weeks later. So I've really made a continual effort to use up the food in the fridge for lunch or find creative  ways to use odd ingredients in my pantry.

Along with the dinner I cooked, I found a can of pumpkin purée and cream cheese that would NEVER normally be used. I went on Pinterest and looked up recipes with pumpkin and cream cheese. There were so many recipes to choose from! Finally, I  was able to find one where I had all the ingredients! Pumpkin Cream
Cheese Bread...sounded easy enough. The only thing I changed was to use whole wheat flour because that was all I had. Hey at least it was a little healthier...or maybe just full of fiber. It turned out great! Not to sweet and good enough to warm in the microwave if the
kids wanted a piece for breakfast. Here's the link if you're interested. http

So what I'm saying is sometimes it goes a long way if you plan ahead. Coming from someone who hates planning, I'd say this is valuable advice. It made a less stressed out momma and a very full and happy husband and kids. 

Happy Planning & Cooking,