Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year


According to The Hubs and I, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year. We are Christmas-holics! When we first married we'd go to every after Christmas sale and stock up. Now? Our stock pile is so plentiful we don't need to go-accept for wrapping paper :) 

Since Tiny is coming very soon we figured we'd better get a move on our Christmas decorating. So recently we spent all weekend getting out the mountain of Christmas tupperwares and decorating the house.

While The Hubs did the hard work of unloading and setting up the tree, I spent the morning making Christmas bows. It's my absolute favorite Christmas tradition. There's something about just picking out the ribbon and being extra creative that puts me in the Christmas spirit. While
the kids watched Polar Express we worked hard all day long. Here's some photos to document our progress.

Lots of people ask me, "How do you get your bows so uniform?" And I tell them the key is to buy a Bowdabra! Seriously it is not a waste of money. If you think about all the Christmas bows you can make for each window, bannister and fireplace you are saving money right there. It is extraordinarily expensive to purchase premade bows! Spend a little money for the bowdabra.

I finally made myself a Christmas mantle fireplace decoration. It took 7.5 years! Our theme is candy canes.
Notice the baby gate around the tree. Also notice that Baby Boy brought in a stool to try and climb over. This kid is so creative;)

And I finally made a mailbox wreath! It matches all the bows on the windows of the house.

But you know what my most favorite part of Christmas is?

Hanging the stockings! And this year we have Tiny's stocking ready for her. I got them monogramed at Mackenzie Grace, a store in Chesterfield, Virginia. They always do such a quality job when I ask them to monogram the kids' baby blankets or stockings. 

Merry Christmas everyone!!! 

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