Monday, May 1, 2017

How To Get All You Need

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.”
Luke 12:31 NLT

I remember moving as a young teen and starting middle school at my second Christian school. (Back story there...I went to public school in elementary and high). I remember how hard it was for me to move because of one particular girl who chose to target me. Everyday she'd get in my face and call me a hillbilly because of my accent. My mom was working as the school secretary and one day I came to her crying. She and I walked out of the school doors and down the hill behind some trees so no one could see me crying. She held my hands and prayed. At the end, I was comforted and she gave me some of the best parenting advice ever. "If she does it again, you have my permission to stand up for yourself- even if it gets physical."

I looked at her with such shock. Was she telling me to beat her up? No, but she was saying, "Do what you have to do." I just needed Godly courage to handle it when this girl approached again. Sure enough, the next morning she started in on me and I got out of my seat. I said her name, and with power only from God, I told her never to call me that again. She got in my face to challenge me and I shoved her with all my might! She was shocked and backed down! She NEVER bothered me again. 

During that year my mom talked of this verse a lot. She was seeking something just like I was. She was seeking God. And just like for me, He stood with her too. He gave her the words of advice for me and the moments of peace she needed to raise three kids. Even to this day she is a faithful follower of Jesus and I'm thankful for her gentle yet strong example of a Godly woman.

Now, you and I are in my mom's shoes. Raising children, dealing with our own struggles and seeking God. The verse says, "He will give you all you need." Not what we want but what we NEED. We need courage, we need peace, we need wisdom, we need joy, we need contentment...we need Jesus. So if we truly want to prosper we will be in tough situations but...WE HAVE JESUS! That's what gives us the kingdom. If we didn't have Jesus, we'd have no hope. The Kingdom of God is the forgiveness of past mistakes, the joy of the Holy Spirit living in us now and the hope that a beautiful home awaits.

When you feel down or in a struggle, know that you have God. Pray, seek Him and you WILL FIND what you are looking for. This post has been for me as much for you. I choose to seek Him 

Thanks Mom. I love you.

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