Thursday, August 23, 2012

Add to Job Title: Landlords!

Good things are happening in our life! God has answered our prayers at the best time possible. I am pleased to announce that we are now LANDLORDS! This was so not how I planned my life nor how I wanted it to go. But the Lord knows best, right. Due to this terrible ecomony, most of you know that we haven't been able to sell our house. It has been one huge struggle with deciding to pack our bags one year ago and leave for a better job in the "Big City." We trusted God in this decision and at times questioned Him. Why hasn't the house sold? Why are we here?

Something I've always thought about was whether it's okay to question Him. And after years of wondering, I think I've come up with the answer...It's okay to question God but it's not okay to doubt God. God wants you to question Him because it shows that you believe He has the answers. But doubting God shows that your faith is lacking. By doubting God, you don't believe He has the answers and ultimately don't believe He exists.

I have to admit, this move has made me doubt God at times. I'm more of a concrete thinker and need to "see to believe" (kinda like Thomas). I wish I could be that person who has that ultimate faith...someone who doesn't need to see to believe John 20:29. I suppose that's partially why God has allowed us to go through this struggle. The whole time we were thinking, "Did we make the right decision? Was this really what God wanted?"

But the Lord waited til the appropriate time to show us that He has been with us the whole time. About two months ago we made the decision to rent. We showed the house to several people but for one reason or another, we just couldn't rent to them. I was frustrated that no one seemed to be the right fit. Some people were downright rude and offered us ridiculous offers because they said we were "in a pinch." Are you kidding me? This is where my faith began to blossom. My Lord doesn't put people in a pinch. He's a good God and only wants the best for us. So The Hubs and I mentally just gave up, offering to God our hearts and being okay if His decision was for the house to sit a little longer.

The day after the "in a pinch" couple left we had a new couple come to view the house. They took no time looking through and came into the kitchen and said, "We want it. What do we do?" They seemed like good people but through all this time, I've learned not to get my hopes up. Looks can be deceiving.  They filled out an application and went on their way. The day after, we ran their application and....perfect!!!!!! This couple was even better than I anticipated! The Hubs said, "I feel at peace over this." I agreed and now we have a signed lease! Praise God! He came through. But He always does, doesn't he? It's just never in my time and it's always when I give up and offer my whole heart to Him.

To conclude, when I googled "Bible Verses on God's Blessings" this came up instead. I know it's a little country but the lyrics are just perfect. I remember singing this song in church growing up...such good memories. It reminded me of a much a simpler time when childlike faith is so strong. You believed in God as if you believed in magic. You believed your God could do anything...

Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call
Resting in my Savior as my all in all,
Standing on the promises of God.

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