Monday, October 22, 2012

Yes, My Doctor Says It's Okay To Run

Riddle me this. Who/What grows a human being, pushes a 35 pound stroller and a 25 pound baby all while RUNNING? That would be me. AKA: Super Momma ; ) Now that I have made it to 13 weeks and feeling great, I decided to ask my doctor, if she thought it was safe if I tried running again? She said it wouldn't harm the baby at all and to give it a try. But don't push myself to hard. She said my body might naturally make me quit running by 20 weeks. So I did my internet research and found out that running can actually help out during pregnancy, it helps you maintain a healthy pregnancy weight and gives you the endurance to take labor/delivery later on.

So for all my running blog followers out there, I haven't quit! I just took a break. I lost all energy at about six weeks pregnant (that would be my last running blog you read) and just now have begun to get it back. I'm finally over the hurdle of wanting to throw up all the time. So for the last seven weeks, I haven't exercised at all : ( I knew I had lost some of the endurance I had gained, so I decided to take it slow.

Today, I am proud to say I ran 10 minutes! Not all at the same time but I ran two minutes and then walked four (repeat 5 times). So total exercise time was 34 minutes! I listened to my body and as soon as I started to get out of breath, I stopped. This was probably the best move I could have made. Now I have to think about the health of the new baby as well.  Baby Girl and I stayed hydrated too! We stopped at a park midway and had our Capri Sun's together : ) She swang on the swing and I rested...another good pregnancy move I'd say.

This pretty much sums it up ; )
I can't promise you I'm gonna run the whole pregnancy but I do want to try. It makes me feel good about myself. And that seven weeks of no exercise at all meant no sleep at all for me. I just don't sleep good if I don't exercise. My anxiety level goes up, my frustration level goes up and I get more exhausted if I don't run. So running to me is a health benefit.

I have found that during my pregnancies, this is the time I feel most beautiful about myself. But I also feel bloated, chipmunk cheeky, and in the end--a beached whale : ) So maybe running will help me keep my confidence up while still feeling extra beautiful. Wish me luck and keep reading!

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