Monday, October 13, 2014

Plain and Simple

Oh my! Where to begin? I guess I could begin by saying that since 2011, we have been traveling to Pennsylvania every Fall. It has become my favorite family tradition. Just seeing the leaves change, feeling the cool crisp air and getting to return to a plain and simple life is all I need to feel recharged.
I am obsessed with the Amish lifestyle and have probably read every book by Beverly Lewis...and even a few biographies of breaking free from the Amish. I think part of me craves the simple life more than "fancy" things. Sometimes, I crave the quiet solitude of the lifestyle. And sometimes I even crave their moral code; their desire to please the Lord at all times, their need to always glorify Him in every action.
We stayed at Eby's Bed and Breakfast, a farmhouse built in 1814 but also full of history since the 1700's. Currently, it is a dairy farm and fresh milk is served each morning with your breakfast casserole or chocolate chip pancakes. The small attached apartment we slept in was exactly what we wanted...simple. You don't need much when you are with your family...just a clean and warm place to lie your head at night. It was perfect. It even came with a private little kitchen so we could eat in our pajamas and not feel worried about Baby Boy getting food everywhere. So peaceful. Did I mention how much the kids loved it-especially Baby Girl. All she wanted to do was play and run. We stayed outside most of the time. Baby Boy was amazed at the cows. Each morning when you'd step on your front porch, cows would be grazing in the fields.
"Oooohhh woahhhh," he'd say.
Baby Girl spent a lot of time chasing the kittens and both kids became very comfortable around the calves as they were allowed to feed them.
To The Hubs and I, this was exactly the kind of vacation we needed. It was easy. It was simple. Our kids were happy and so of course we were beyond thrilled. I see Eby's Bed and Breakfast becoming a definite part of our family fall tradition. I will leave you with this verse. It's always on my mind when thinking about simplicity, joy, and peace. 
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8

On our way to Lancaster. Couldn't believe they were holding hands. So I had to take a quick pic.
We Made It!

Eby's Bed and Breakfast

 What a Beautiful Front Porch View!

Baby Boy kisses the ground! He's so happy to be out of the car!

 We stayed in the small efficiency apartment attached to the main farmhouse built in 1814.
 These kids don't need much. The apartment had all the toys they needed and they were so happy about that.
Look at that light switch!


A Morning on the Farm 

 Making the baby calves their milk.

 Baby Girl feeding a one week old calf.

 Feeding the cows their grain.

 Milking a Cow

 Baby Boy kept going, "Woah."
 Gathering Eggs
 Dutch Wonderland
An amusement park totally devoted to kids.


 Daddy coaching her not to be scared.

Riding the Monorail

 I think Baby Boy was in heaven.

 The Princess and the Frog Prince Show

Exploring the Farm






 Lunch Train Ride on The Strasburg Railroad


 The kids' first ever Whoopie Pie.

Exploring One of the Many Covered Bridges of Lancaster, PA.







  1. What a great vacation! How many days did you stay? I think Matthew would really love something like this.

  2. Amy, we stayed for the weekend. You should definitely go. I miss it already. Last year, we ate dinner with an Amish family. I wish we had time this year to do that but I would certainly recommend that to you as well.
