Wednesday, March 30, 2016

An Easter Blessing

Well we moved! I've been keeping it quiet for some time. In part because I was waiting for something to fall through (it didn't) and partly because of shock. The Hubs and I hadn't been "looking" to move but found a wonderful property for the kids to run free on and felt like it was from God. It almost felt like God had heard every conversation we had had about what the perfect house looked like to us and He said,"Here you go! Now on faith, act on it!" And so that's what we did, two months prior and here we are today. I feel so blessed. Everytime we walk outside and hear the kids running and playing, I feel like we are FINALLY home. I've been calling this our growing up home because 1) I want to watch the kids grow up here. Lord willing, that's what we'll do and 2) I don't want to do this again. Moving this time around has been stressful. Maybe it's because we added three kids to the mix:) 

But we are here finally! And so so in love. Everyday, I wake up and say,"Thank you God." Here are a few pictures from Easter and the kids playing outside. Hope you enjoy!

In this house, we watch tv in boxes;)
Having a picnic Easter lunch at a friend's house.

I just love how she's got the basket between her legs and munching away on a pb and honey sandwich.
My beautiful Baby Girl. She looks so grown up.

My Baby Boy so intrigued with opening up each egg to find the sticker.

My handsome husband and kids on a hayride.
Tiny fell asleep. Baby Girl decided to pretend she was asleep too:)
Coloring Easter Eggs! Magic to these two.

Tiny enjoyed breaking the egg apart only. Haha!

Easter Egg Hunt outside!
Love this! She was so interested in her one egg, didn't want to look for any others at all.
Look at that smile!
Baby Girl and Baby Boy had a bit of a competition. She's showing me all her eggs:)

The Easter Bunny arrived! Baby Girl
Shrilled,"He got me what I always wanted-a chocolate bunny!"
Baby Boy loves Tootsie Rolls. Here's a pic of him shoving a bunch in his mouth.

Playing outside. These kids LOVE their ride.

On some sort of adventure. Those two-two peas in a pod.
A beautiful picture of the sun setting from the front porch...a little piece of Heaven.

On the way to church Easter morning.

I love my family! I love my job. It's an honor to be their mom and his wife. I love our growing up
home. So thankful for His blessings.

“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.”
James 1:17 NLT

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