Saturday, May 28, 2016

New Castle Bee and Berry Farm

We spent the early morning hours picking strawberries from New Castle Bee and Berry Farm in Louisa, Virginia. It was so fun to see Izzy leading the team and filling her bucket full. Kipton taking a bite from each strawberry and then putting it back inside his bucket and little McKinlea trailing behind just stopping to look at one, pick it off the vine and then swallow it in one bite. 
May 28, 2016
Izzy 5, Kip 3, McKinlea 15.5 months
Even though I don't really buy a lot of organic things, it was nice to know that every strawberry they ate was pesticide free and homegrown :)

Afterwards, we went home to rest and play. I was able to make a fresh strawberry pie and still have a whole bucket of strawberries left over! The recipe is below if you'd like to try making it.

Strawberry Pie Recipe

The pie was wonderful. I cut the sugar down a bit and made real whipped cream for the top. Everyone licked their plates clean and I think they learned a lot about growing strawberries and cooking from scratch. It may have taken the entire day but as a family we had fun and got to enjoy the "fruits of our labor" in a unique way.

Happy Strawberry Picking!


  1. I made strawberry pie last year and it was a hit. This reminded me and inspired me to cook it again before season is over. Love the pics. I think everything made with love and hard work always taste the best.

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