Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Momma's Summer Camp 2016

Ohhh my, this is the last summer before Baby Girl goes to just has to be special. These last few months are going to fly by and I want to make every day count. So I decided to create my own Summer Camp schedule. Everyday we would intentionally do something fun together. Here's the schedule I created.

Monday-Craft Day
Tuesday-Field Trip Day
Wednesday-Cooking Day
Thursday-Pool Day
Friday-Lunch with Daddy Day

The schedule seemed fair enough...a little bit of staying at home (so we don't spend money) and a little bit of adventure. It also kept me from living my life on the road and just enjoying the kids at home.

Our first Field Trip was to Duck Donut in Short Pump, Virginia. Woah! Those were some good donuts. Just slightly warm with whatever drizzle you wanted on top. I opted for vanilla frosting with raspberry drizzle, while the girls enjoyed cookies and cream on top their chocolate donuts and Baby Boy chose cinnamon sugar.

Now you know it's a known fact that you can't sugar em' up and make them sit still. So we headed to a quiet park that I knew wouldn't be crowded. Shhh!  I won't divulge the "secret" location because I've learned that when you take multiple kids to a park, your stress level is A LOT lower if the park isn't crowded. However, if you're real nice to me, I'll tell you where ;) Here's some pics of the kids burning off their donuts.

Everyone was all tuckered out when we got home. Baby Boy fell asleep in the car so I laid him on the couch. So sweet.

The next morning, my Baby Girl crawled into my lap and I kissed the top of her head. "I can't believe you are already five," I told her.

"Mom, always remember what I told you, okay."

"What's that?"

"That I will never leave you. I'm going to live in my own house in your backyard. Okay? And mom, you can come visit me whenever you like."

Ohhh sigh. My heart melted. I kissed her head one more time.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a great mommy and an inspiration. Now, as your friend our next play date I need to know where that park is and we need to plan to meet there ;-)
