Saturday, June 22, 2019

Kayaking Near Holden Beach

On our fourth day at Holden Beach, we woke up early and headed out for a morning kayak trip. Our destination was Little River at Cherry Grove Beach. J and L Kayaking provided the tour. Even though The Hubs and I have kayaked several times before,  we found them very informative for teaching our kids about proper kayaking techniques. My oldest daughter went with me in a tandem kayak and my middle son went with The Hubs.

Touching a stingless jellyfish.

Slowly turn around for a picture please. (Don’t turn the kayak over.)

I spotted a hot husband on the trip. 😉
The boys saw a Red Winged Blackbird.

We saw a Diamondback Terrapin Turtle pop it’s head out of the water!

Learning to paddle with a half paddle.

Kayaking is one of my favorite things to do. Each place is so different in ecology; different fish, reptiles, birds, jellyfish, plants. Now I get to share that love with my kids. 

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