Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I'll Be Home for Christmas


"I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents on the tree

Christmas Eve will find me
Where the lovelight gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams,"
I sang outloud as The Hubs was driving the car to Kentucky. I was really looking forward to Christmas this year and that song kept coming into my thoughts as we made our way through Bluefield, Claypool Hill and Grundy. It was going to be a great three days in my hometown-- full of Christmas parties, cooking and talks with the family.

A few days before, I had determined in my heart to make this a "Mary" Christmas. No, I didn't mispell Mary.  I meant to type that because I'd decided to make an effort to be more like Jesus' mother, Mary.
"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19

I just think Mary is such an amazing woman who came through so much, never complaining and still treasuring all the things that were happening in her life. If there were ever a woman I wanted to look up to, it would be her.

And what I found was that Christmas became magical because of my positivity. No more negative thoughts about being tired and not feeling up to cooking or cleaning, no more getting frustrated at another tantrum Baby Girl was having and no more, "Oh my God! I can't believe they just said that!" I tried smiling more and really listening to others-- like I talked about in my Thanksgiving Blog. It was so amazing how the power of positivity can change a person!
So here's a few pics to share with you about Christmas in Kentucky and then Virginia!
Cute Kentucky Cousins Open Their Presents
"Soldier T" got in an a snowy car accident last year and had to have another surgery on his leg. Baby Girl is keeping his spirits up : )

 She loves babies!
Such a good little girl...already knows how to feed her baby.
In Kentucky, the firetruck goes up and down the hollers and Santa Claus gives the children candy and a toy.
 All dressed up and still had to carry a truck out to see Santa!
She kept saying, "Coming, Coming" because for the past month we would say to her, "Santa's coming."
Baby Girl is in awe of Santa!
 Bye! See you next year...
Beautiful Christmas Table

Oh My! So amazed at all the presents.

Look at her cousin's smile! Precious.
 It doesn't get any funnier than that! Baby Girl's cousin pretending to shoot the birds with his toy gun : )
Train up a child to use the Dyson : )

Our Cookie Exchange was a HUGE SUCCESS!

And we included fudge of course : )

All the bakers who helped make the cookie exchange so much fun! So proud of my dad for participating.

He's looking for the tiger!

Hmmm! What's under here?
What You Lookin At?

 This is what happens when "Soldier T" takes my camera! I wonder if the thought even crossed his mind that this might end up on my blog?

Best Christmas Present of All! My papow made this quilt rack for me! He is so artistic and amazing!
Baby Girl's Cousin opening up her baby dolls.

Love there hats from Momaw & Popaw.

Feeding the babies!

 Now she can cook like Mommy.
They see me rollin...

 They hatin...
Tryin to catch me ridin dirty...
More pics to come of Christmas Day and a Few Special Videos of Family Members that are Hilarious!


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