Friday, December 6, 2013

Beautiful Slate Blue Eyes

As I begin to type, my fingers lightly touch the keyboard and I feel the need to remove them. I feel the need to clasp my hands together, bow my head and...pray. Pray to the only God I've ever known, thank Him for all the blessings in my life and surrender my will to His.

Hillsong is singing, "Hosanna" and they're at the part where they say, "Break my heart for what breaks yours." I have a deep desire to turn it off and not deal with the mind chatter that's going on. I unclasp my hands and lay them on my lap symbolizing my need to give it ALL to Him. Sometimes, I think too much and this is a way to say, "Here Lord, have it all. You know I can't do it on my own. But with You, I have unconditional love, the power to forgive and let go, and the power to feel ultimate peace."

This past weekend the Hubs had to go to Virginia Beach on business. Luckily, we were all able to go with him. There's something about the beach that always calls to me. Maybe it's the grandeur of the deep and vast ocean, maybe it's the infinite grains of sand, maybe it's the sound of ocean waves crashing and seagulls singing. It's as if you were to stand on the coast by yourself and look out over the water, you could pray and know that somewhere beyond the ocean and sky, something greater was listening to you...something like the Lord.

The Lord has heard my heart and knows I am missing someone very special in my life...Papow Homer. It is even harder during the Christmas Season, not to have him around. But every now and then, the Lord blesses me with a smell or a memory of Him...

"Hi Papow," I said as I untucked the blankets on the couch. It was about 3 am and he was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. I knew he had been smoking because I could still smell it's wonderful aroma. Surprisingly, I always liked the smell of was was papow.

I went to sit at the opposite end of the table and I talked for a little while. His slate blue eyes told me that he loved listening to my 10 year old self talk. He gave me a saucer and filled it with a little coffee. I felt like such a big kid.

Fast forward to a few months ago, he's been gone for four years now. I was cleaning the kids bathroom when all of a sudden I smelt the familiar smell of his cigarette smoke. I immediately stopped, closed my eyes and breathed it in.

"Odd," I thought. "No one smokes in our house." How did that happen? Sometimes, I think he's still around me. It's comforting.

It was Christmas Time and we all had come over to Mamow and Papow's house to celebrate. He always stopped what he was watching and let us have the tv. But I was about to graduate high school and I didn't want to lay belly down infront of the tv anymore. Instead, I sat beside him. He reached over and held my hand. It felt cool to the touch and I could see the age on his hands. That was the first time he'd done that. He was still silent but that's how papow was. I knew he loved me.
Seeing that same kitchen table, now covered with Christmas oranges and walnuts, I saw my family sitting around talking and enjoying each other's company. Looking back, those were special memories.
Halloween had approached us and the Hubs and I were having our first Halloween party in our new house. It was a costume party and everyone dressed up. Me-I was Sarah Palin : ) Papow had come and sat on the porch most that night. A few times, I went out there to sit with him. But he was unusually quiet. Papow was a quiet man but he was even more so that night. I wished I had sat out there longer with him...
Last Photo Taken With Papow

A few weeks later and it was November, I got the call that he was in the hospital. He would spend Christmas there and not get to open our presents. Most of the time he was on the ventilator. I still can hear the beeping and the swish of air from the machines. It was a scary time. We bought him a Christmas tree and put it in his room. I don't know if he got to see it.
In the last few weeks, they moved him to Lexington, Kentucky. Mamow stayed in the hospital with him. What a beautiful wife she is. For better for worse. In sickness and in health...
The Hubs and I drove all the way from Roanoke, Virginia to see him. I so desperately wanted him to talk to me. He really had been gone since November. I just wanted to hear his voice. On the trip up there, it snowed and snowed. When we made it and I sat by his bed he did something so miraculous. It had to be from God.
Mamow said, "Kim's here, Homer."
And slowly, he opened his eyes. Oh what beautiful slate blue eyes he had. He smiled so big I could see the wrinkles on the sides of his eyes. I held his hand. And then he spoke to me.
"You are so pretty," he said softly.
I'm crying now. It's too hard to think about. That was the last thing he ever said to me.
February 11, 2010
A few weeks later, I got the call while driving that he had passed away.  I pulled over into a church parking lot and cried...
I was asked to sing at his funeral. This was not going to be easy. So I practiced singing at mamow's church. The Hubs was with me. No matter what I did, I couldn't make it through the song. We were the only ones there. I felt close to God and at the same time so alone. Every time, I'd get to the part "...and heaven accept you when it's time to go home," of Lady Antebellum's song, "Never Alone," I'd break down and cry.
Somehow, at his funeral I made it through the song. But oh how hard it was.
When it was time for the casket to be closed, I thought the family would get to say goodbye one more time. But I never did. He was buried on a cold February day with the snow flakes falling.
Death is an empty feeling. A loss of control feeling. A lonely feeling. In reality, death is so many things that we can't understand...that we cant put into words. Simply, when someone dies the ache never seems to go away. It gets better but it will always be there.
A Few Weeks Later
A few weeks later, papow came to me in my dreams. I was standing on the hill where they buried him. It was sunny and the grass was golden yellow. Off in the distance, I saw papow sitting at a table with a black haired lady clothed in a blue dress. I went up to papow and saw his beautiful slate blue eyes. But he didn't talk to me. It was the lady that talked to me.
"You don't have to worry about your papow anymore," she said.
"He's okay now."
And I felt peace.
That was the last time I ever saw him.
Some people say that dreams shouldn't be believed. But it was so comforting and peaceful that I have to believe it. It was as if God gave me a final goodbye to him. And I must take that and embrace it. I know that one day, I will see him again and he will get to hold his grandchildren.
Do you know what is hardest of all?
Looking into my kids eyes and seeing beautiful slate blue. He never got to hold them. But I know if he did, his eyes would crinkle up into a smile and pure joy would be felt all over his face.
Thanksgiving and Christmas is hard during this time. I miss him terribly.

So I go to the store and smell someone's cigarette smoke. I breathe it in and remember him. I buy Christmas oranges and walnuts. I place them on my own kitchen table and remember. I look into my children's eyes and imagine what he would do if he got to hold them. And I pray. I pray hard for my mamow and my mom and myself. Pray for peace and joy and love. That's what he would have wanted.

I miss seeing you sitting at the kitchen table. I miss the smell of your cigarettes and the taste of your coffee. I miss being in your quiet presence.
But one day Papow, I'll see you again.

I love you.



 In Loving Memory of Homer Eugene Kendrick
Beautiful Slate Blue Eyes, A Quiet Spirit and a Wonderful Grandfather
June 3, 1932 - February 11, 2010

Thursday, October 31, 2013

She'll Always Be My Baby

"Alright, mom. Now when I get bigger like you, I'm gonna marry a boy."

"That's right, you will."

My mind was more concerned with what baby formula to buy than Baby Girl's statement. Should I get this formula or off brand formula? I had one mission. Go into Wal-Mart, get what I needed and leave before any kid melted down.

"...and God made the water..." her voice trailed off.

She was telling a story to her toy about God! Now my ears perked up. Where did she learn that? It had to be preschool. My heart was swelling with pride.

"Oh yeah, I did need to get a beef stew mix, I thought. I'll just quickly go down this aisle." But man was it crowded! So I maneuvered my way to where I needed to be and was looking diligently for beef stew mix.

"GET OUTTA THE WAY," she yelled to a lady looking for a packet too.

Oh my gosh! I was so embarrassed. Quickly, I tried to reprimand her and make her apologize but she wouldn't utter one word. OK. That was EMBARRASSING. I quickly got what I needed and took off out of there like a bat out of...

"I'm so disappointed. Why would you say that? Why didn't you apologize?"

All she would do was look at the buggy. She knew she had displeased me. I think she felt pretty bad.

On the way home, I thought, "Why in the world would she say that? And how can one minute she go from talking about God to the next minute yelling at a lady?"

"Woahhhhh, wait a minute Kim," my subconscious said. She said it but you thought it. Don't be so mad at her, she just hasn't learned to filter her speech yet. "Okay, I'll cut her some slack. But she's a big girl now."

"Big Girl? Two? She's a big girl! No, Kim she's still a baby," my own subconscious was reprimanding me now...

Someone told me recently, "When you have the second, the first automatically becomes a big girl. You no longer think of them as your baby...even though they still are."

It was true. Since Baby Boy has been born, I expect more out of Baby Girl and have to stop myself from thinking she's 10 instead of 2. I've been feeling majorly guilty about that and so I decided that I needed to give her more of my time.
Which brings me to my next point. When you have children, you have to give up most of yourself. Your mission in life is your children! In the beginning, that's very hard for new mothers to learn and still is for me. But it is soooo worth it.
I've met so many wonderful people since moving to Richmond and we frequently go on numerous playdates, preschool, Bible Studies, etc. And I thoroughly enjoy that! I thrive on people and thank God for blessing me with some wonderful friends. But last week, Baby Girl said something to me that made me stop and think.
We were about ready to go to my Bible Study when she said, "I don't want to go to chu-ch." I was in a rush packing their diaper bags and was trying to get her to eat so we could go. But she just wasn't budging. Something told me to stop.
So I sat on the couch and looked at her and said, "Okay Baby, we don't have to go." She crawled up next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. I was so surprised! She's not the type to do that. I felt her head. It was warm. And I knew then that she was sick.
Oh it bothers me something awful to think that I would put other things in front of my children. Yes, there is a time and a place for church and friends and playdates but that's not ALL the time. My children need me to selflessly give to them. They need me to hold them. They need me to praise them. They need me to discipline them. But more importantly, they need me to be MOM. Not someone else's friend, or a Bible Study buddy, just plain ole Mom. The woman they can turn to when life gets rough. The woman who will be tough on them and loving when their tears come. The woman who rubs their forehead when their sick and holds them in her arms whispering sweet praises to them...MOM.
That night, Baby Girl refused to go to sleep for The Hubs. Since Baby Boy has arrived, I cherish and love the time I get to rock him to sleep. But she kept saying, "I need mom to come in here and kiss me." So after I placed him softly in his crib and listened to his heavy breathing, I mustered up a little more energy to come to her room. The Hubs left and I told her to come sit on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and said, "You are beautiful, You are smart, You are important. And I love you." I smelled her hair. I love her smell. And I whispered to her to climb in bed. She quieted down. She crawled into her bed and I thought she would go to sleep. So I laid in the floor beside her.
"Yes, Baby Girl." (Would she tell me she loved me.)
"I want you to open your mouth and tell me a story."
Hilarious, I know.
I laughed a little and told her a story about a bear and a tortoise sleeping under the stars...
"The End."
"Yes, Baby Girl."
"You can go now."
"Alright Baby Girl, I love you."
"I love soooo much."
And I quietly shut the door behind her realizing my Big Girl was really still a baby trapped in a toddler's body. All she needed was a little love.
And I feel so strongly in saying this because the Holy Spirit has been confronting me about this myself. Momma's out there, I know you want social time with your friends (this can be a lonely job) and I know you think going to church is a good thing but too much of anything can hurt your children. The Lord has blessed you with beautiful children and consider that an honor because He thought so highly of you to do the job right. He entrusted you with beautiful little angels to take care of. I'm not saying you should give everything up, but give up one thing...maybe two. Spend those nights loving those babies and spend those days rocking them in your chairs. At nap time, whisper praises over their head. They need you more than ever. This is your mission.
Lunch at Pocahontas State Park

Campbell University HOMECOMING

Preschool Halloween Parade

The princess and her castle...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

To Give It Up or Keep It Going?

So I've been wrestling with the idea of giving up the blog. For one, when I started the blog a little over a year ago, my main goal was to be a positive example in the world for moms. I really wanted to be authentic and not sugar coat things. And I believe that it has worked-for the most part. Part of the issue with me putting my life out there is being willing to take the judgment and criticism of others. I know I've got to grow a tougher skin when it comes to family and friends passing unnecessary judgments. But I have to admit, it still bothers me. Am I really willing to put it all out there!?
And the blog has grown significantly in the last year-averaging about 150 views per post with steady followers in India, Canada and Russia. I feel like it has been helpful to some women because I do get emails from others saying that, "They too, have been in similar situations and are glad they're not alone." But the issue of privacy has come up a lot. My goal was not for people to blog stalk me but to get something out of it and respond with comments. And right now, hardly anyone comments although I know they are reading thanks to Google Analytics. And not saying it's a bad thing to just read people's posts (I do it too). But it would be encouraging if people responded least I wouldn't think they were just trying to be a "fly on my wall."
So what should I do? I'm praying about it. Toying with the idea of making it a private blog...or leaving it the same? I feel called to put myself out there. To explain the truth as an introspective woman sees it. To openly discuss my thoughts about God and relationships. I want to blog for a purpose. Is this really what God intends for me to do?



Saturday, October 5, 2013

Oh The Difference A Year Makes

 Last Year I was pregnant with Baby Boy and Baby Girl was 1.5 years old
I can't believe one year has come and gone. It seems like just yesterday we were taking her to the Ashland Berry Farm and I was 2.5 months pregnant with Baby Boy. Time really flies when you have kids and you realize how short life really is. So make the most of each day, create family traditions and hug on your precious little ones. They really do grow so fast. 
Wow! I couldn't believe how much they both have grown!
Baby Girl is 2.5 years old and Baby Boy is 5 months old.
 Last Years Boots!
 This Years Boots!
 The latest addition...Baby Boy!
 It doesn't get much better than this.
Baby Laughs are The Best!
Baby Girl has quite the musical ear and can follow along to Jesus Loves Me by just hearing the song play! And what better way to praise the Lord than to finish the song with dancing.