Saturday, October 5, 2013

Oh The Difference A Year Makes

 Last Year I was pregnant with Baby Boy and Baby Girl was 1.5 years old
I can't believe one year has come and gone. It seems like just yesterday we were taking her to the Ashland Berry Farm and I was 2.5 months pregnant with Baby Boy. Time really flies when you have kids and you realize how short life really is. So make the most of each day, create family traditions and hug on your precious little ones. They really do grow so fast. 
Wow! I couldn't believe how much they both have grown!
Baby Girl is 2.5 years old and Baby Boy is 5 months old.
 Last Years Boots!
 This Years Boots!
 The latest addition...Baby Boy!
 It doesn't get much better than this.
Baby Laughs are The Best!
Baby Girl has quite the musical ear and can follow along to Jesus Loves Me by just hearing the song play! And what better way to praise the Lord than to finish the song with dancing.

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