Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Time of Her Life

I open the back door and walk outside to find The Hubs and Baby Girl playing on the swing set. The sun is beginning to set and the shadows from the trees stretch long and tall.  A little while later the tree frogs begin their quiet night time songs and it reminds me that we're home. I silently thank God for answering our prayers, feeling incredibly blessed and at peace.

Their faces show contentment. Baby Girl is so in her own little world. "Swinging high in the sky," as she likes to say.
The sun has almost set now and a slight breeze blows. Baby Girl says, "Hair blowing. Brrr Cold." But she refuses to go inside the house. She's having too much fun.
We begin to walk back towards the house and I waddle behind watching her hop from each stepping stone to the next. She has a stick in her hand. Maybe it's her magic wand. Who knows. She is having the time of her life. And momma is silently reflecting about how she too, " having the time of her life."


  1. I need a post with lots of pictures of the new house :) So happy that you all finally feel at home!

  2. How bout I invite you up instead! That way you can see it in person : )
