Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I Survived Cycle

Wow! Cycle...that was intense and such a great leg work out. To start with, Cycle was something
completely new to me. I had heard the music blaring before and I just knew it was something I had to try.
When you walk into the room, it's completely black with glow in the dark drawings of roads on the wall. Pretty cool! The bikes had only one lever (move up for more resistance and down for less). I did have to find a kind soul and ask them how to position the bike. Thankfully, the instructor also came over to assist-and was super nice! She put me at ease and told me, "This is your ride...go at your own pace."
Gosh was she right. I'm so glad I didn't try to keep up with everybody. I listened to my body and did what she asked.
"Stand up on your bike. And then sit back down again. See how many times you can do that. It pushes your heart a little bit more," she told the class.
"What?! You mean on top of all this resistance, I have to stand up and sit down repeatedly."
But I put my big girl panties on ; ) I sucked it up, gritted my teeth and sweated it out : ) I didn't know the protocol was to bring your own water and towel. But thankfully the instructor had extra water---and I definitely needed it!
At end of class, I was drenched but felt so exhilarated. The instructor found me and asked, "You've never taken Cycle before?"
"No, but I REALLY enjoyed it."
"Well, you did really good with standing up and sitting down. I'm surprised you've never taken this class before."
So I told her about my blog and she gave me a bit of VALUABLE advice...
"Your butt will probably hurt from sitting on the bike. But take the class three times in two weeks and it will never hurt again."
Final Review:
Absolutely Loved It!!!

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