Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I Survived Zumba


Many of you have heard me talk about the new blog series I wanted to create. I think I will call it, "I Survived The Gym." I've always been slightly intimidated by the gym...mostly for fear of judgment from others. But after attending four Zumba classes, I've decided to throw caution to the wind and dive into the gym classes head first.
What does that really look like though? That means I'm going where not many people have gone before. I'm going to take every single gym class offered and write about it. Maybe it will inspire someone else to join the gym : )
Yes, that means I will drudgingly put on my bathing suit and jump into Aqua Tai Chi. Yes, I will lug some weights and sweat out to BodyPump. Yes, I will pack my towel and water and basically die during CYCLE. Yes, I will shake my booty to Zumba and yes oh yes, I will even try Qi Gong (even though I don't know what the heck that is). Believe me, I am the most nervous I've ever been. But I have a reason why I'm so interested in doing this!
When I took my first Zumba class in January, I was more nervous than I've ever been! Afraid I'd look stupid (I did), afraid I couldn't get the moves down (I couldn't) and afraid I'd get singled out in class (I was). Everything BAD happened to me. But you know what? I SURVIVED. Yes, I was embarrassed for about a week after but something kept telling me to go back. Was it the upbeat music that made me want to move? Yes! Was it the energetic instructor who tried to teach me how to move? Definitely! But the biggest reason of all was because I coveted the CONFIDENCE of women twice my age and twice my size moving their hips so effortlessly and looking so beautiful doing it! Gosh, could they ever move!!!! It's so inspiring to see small people, large people, older people and younger people all smiling and clapping once they'd completed a dance.
So after finding myself in the midst of my fourth Zumba class and sweating it out, I decided everyone needed to be encouraged to try a new gym class. Bottom line-it's FUN! Isn't that one reason why we want to live? To have fun! And I have to say my confidence is growing and I'm moving just as much as the 70 year old beside me : )
So here goes nothing! Wish me luck...especially during the water classes (for some reason, I'm nervous about that).
Since I've pretty much explained what Zumba was like I'm going to give some pointers.
1) Don't make the mistake I did and find your spot in the middle of the classroom. The instructor discovered that I was a newbie and had to teach me in front of about 40 women. My face was red from embarrassment after that! Instead, pick yourself a nice spot in the back corner. That way you can watch and learn at the same time.
2) If the instructor is so good you become intimidated, pick someone on the front lines to watch. I could never move like the instructor, so I picked an energetic young 20's girl to follow!
3) And last, throw embarrassment out the window. No one looks at you! They only look at themselves-if their good or straight ahead (like me)... because looking into the mirror would be a complete tragedy...
And above all else-have fun! It will certainly make you SMILE!


1 comment:

  1. I read this article, it is really informative one. Your way of writing and making things clear is very impressive. Thanking you for such an informative article. Best Zumba Classes in Bangalore
