Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Snakes, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

Is he really almost one?! Really? I told a friend of mine I'm having small panic attacks with the thought of him "technically" flying out of the baby stage and into the toddler stage.

Not gonna lie, I love the fact that he's finally sleeping through the night (11 months of sleepless nights). But that's about the only thing I like about him getting older. Baby Boy is my baby. There's something so cuddly about holding a baby boy. I don't know if it's the thought of me being the first woman he's ever loved or his super gentle disposition. 

One thing hilarious about having a boy is his need to always play with the remote. Or his strong desire to do anything dangerous. I mean, he seriously falls everyday doing something dangerous. I think after the first few weeks of this happening (and him turning our glass end tables over on himself), I finally have accepted his dangerous nature. Now whenever he falls infront of friends, I just say,"Aw you'll be okay." And then I just wait for him to get up on his own. He's surprisingly tough--but again maybe that's a boy thing.

The one thing I cherish most of all is putting my babies to sleep. The Hubs puts Baby Girl to bed (now that she's older) and I get to spend my evenings rocking him to sleep. We start with a book. His favorite books are ones with baby animals in them;) Rarely does he make sounds but when he sees baby animals, his face lights up and he starts babbling at them. It's the cutest thing. Then I turn down the lights and rock him to sleep. It's funny how each child got rocked to their own song. His, just happens to be that song from, "Three Men and a Baby."

"Good night sweetheart well it's time to go. Good night well it's time to go. I hate to leave but I really must say, Good night sweet heart goodnight."

As I gently lay him in bed, he looks up at me with his tired little face and the corners of his eyes move up ever so slightly. I can tell he's smiling and I know he loves me.

"Good night, Baby Boy." And I close the door behind me, feeling absolutely loved from the deepest core of my being.
If this is a prelude to his birthday cake, we are in trouble...

Soo soo tired. Just relaxing.
I think I'm in love!
Look at his hilarious face!
Oh you know, just climbing under the coffee table with no way to get out.

My back was turned for 5 seconds! And he managed to open up the wipes, take out a bunch and eat them. Good Lord.
Oh how about a nice climb in the dishwasher...sounds exhilarating?
Yes, he somehow managed to pull the oven drawer out and climb inside...shaking my head :)
A carrot for teething...his favorite.

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