Monday, August 25, 2014

Could Someone Turn the Air on 60 Please?

1)How Far Along?
23 weeks

2) Most Noticable Symptom?
Severe preggo brain. I can't remember what I've talked to people about and probably repeat myself a bunch. Thankfully, no one has embarrassed me by saying,"You've already told me that."


A beautiful little girl!!! We are so excited. Although I swore I was having a boy the ultrasound tech checked three times. Baby Girl is getting her wish...a sister.

4)Maternity Clothes?
Ummmm yah...and dresses please. I've never been pregnant in the summer so let's just say, "I. Am. HOT!!!!" Keep the fans a blow in' and the air on 60 please! 

Yes but getting up a lot at night to go to the bathroom. Oh yeah, and I've reached that point where I have to roll over on my side and lift myself up with my arms.

6)Wedding Rings On or Off?
On during the day and off at night because my hands are swelling...and my nose too. It looks awful!!! Never experienced swelling in my nose before.

Yes! Little feet pushing on my left hip. And I've actually begun to notice my belly move when the baby pushes up on it. Love that feeling!

8)Best Moment of the Week?
Baby Girl wants to put her hand on the baby a lot. The first time she did and I told her she was moving, Baby Girl gently put her hand on my belly and looked up at me with such excitement, "Now mommy?! She's really moving now?!"

Sweetest moment ever.

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