Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Reliving the Day

There are no words to describe the love and joy I get from watching my kids grow up. Sometimes, after they are all asleep and the house is quiet, I look back through pictures on my phone and just smile. Reliving the day's moments bring me such happiness. Thank you God for blessing me with these precious babies.

They are quickly becoming the best of friends. I gave them both a bag of chips and put Kinlea in her chair in the living room. Kip dragged his chair over just so he could sit beside her.
Some days, you just need ice cream. This was their after school treat.

My precious first born will be going to Kindergarten this fall. I get sad just thinking about it. But it's what's best for her. She will love it.
Playing at the Children's Museum. I have no idea why both the girls' faces are in the mat. Ewww;)
.He's all boy:)
14 months going on 14 years;)
Quality Time is their love language...that and ice cream.
Let sleeping babies lie...
and preschoolers too.
Kinlea has grown quite attached to me. She always cries if I leave the room. But I don't mind it, this stage is so short anyway. I'm going to enjoy it before it's gone.

I don't care how many times I tell her not to pick up her little sister, she still does it. But surprisingly, Kinlea doesn't mind it. I can just imagine the sleepovers these two are going to have in the future.
Lots of giggles and whispers:)

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