Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Your Love Never Fails!

The Hub's work through us a baby shower and it was beyond beautiful! I was so overwhelmed with how much work everyone put into the shower and they even thought about Baby Girl and got her presents too. We were so blessed!


Baby Girl tries her hardest to help us pack every night. She is Daddy's Tape Girl and stands their patiently waiting to give him tape for all the boxes : ) Here she is helping pack up the pantry by putting cans in her lunch box.
Found this Jiffy Peat Moss Box at Lowes and decided to plant Zinnia's with Baby Girl.
Sorry for our shirtless girl. She insisted on drinking our tea and spilled it all over her shirt.

Baby Girl wants to be a Big Girl so bad and decided it was time to try the Big Girl swing.
While packing up a closet, Baby Girl found mommy's old boxing gloves and threw a few punches at us!

What do daddy's do best? Build their little girl's forts when their sick and let them eat as many doritos as they please ; )

Is this not the most adorable picture ever? Reading in her chair and not even 2 years old yet!

So the signs work! The paci habit was broke within 2 weeks. Took away the paci on Feb 6 and by Feb 14 all the grandparents came to celebrate Baby Girl's new Big Girl Status!
We took her to Build a Bear and let her put her Paci in the Kitty Cat-whom we later named Miss P. (Miss Paci-get it?!)    ; )

There goes the paci. She wasn't thrilled about it but no major tears!
She kept saying, "Wash Wash Wash!" At first we didn't know what she was talking about but she wanted to bath her kitty. Apparently, she remembered going to Build a Bear with her Momaw before. 

We also got her Big Girl sheets from Pottery Barn but no Big Girl bed yet! I decided I'm not ready to have her get out of her crib whenever she wants. This night she asked me to get in the crib with her. Yes, I hopped in the crib...30 some weeks pregnant!

It's Official! We are closing on the short sale home this week! The owner's didn't mind us coming in and fixing a few things before the close date, so we did and had a Pizza Picnic on the floor today : )

"You Stay The Same Through The Ages, Your Love Never Changes, There May Be Pain in the Night But Joy Comes in the Morning! Your Love Never Fails!"

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