Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A Cheesecake Kind of Birthday

Today we celebrated Dale’s 34th Birthday!  We celebrated at our favorite restaurant, Ghengis

Grill. Then we picked up a cheesecake that he’d requested.  But not just any cheesecake—Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake. 

I joked with him saying, “You know that saying as couples age they start looking like each other? Well we don’t look like each other but we have started liking the same things!” Meaning that eight days later on January 4th, we will be celebrating my birthday the exact same way. Ha!

As I looked back on all the pictures today I had to smile. His day was pretty much perfect. We had each other to celebrate with, the kids each woke up shouting, “Happy Birthday Daddy!” At the dinner table they all guessed how old he was. Tiny Blessing thought he was 2. Baby Boy thought he was 100. And of course the oldest, Baby Girl guessed right. 

Days like today, I’m glad we have each other. Living in Richmond, we are far from any extended family. Sometimes that can be hard, especially when you miss them, need a date night babysitter or just a one hour break. But God placed us in Richmond for a reason and we can’t stomp our feet on God’s plan.

As we near 2018, I want to focus more on the positive aspects of living here. I want to wake up saying, "Thank you God for my loving husband and three beautiful blessings. You are so good to me.”  I want to teach my kids that we have each other, a strong family unit. We will make it and one day when they’re adults, I hope that we will have instilled in them the value of family. 

Happy Birthday Dale! I love you more each day! Let’s grow old together.

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