Saturday, December 23, 2017

Satisfied, Full and Content

Such beautiful scripture that can breathe new life into you. I am thankful God allowed me to recall this verse and to read Philippians 4 in its’ entirety. Further on in the chapter Paul says, “For I have learned to be content with whatever I have...”Being content doesn’t mean living comfortably, relaxing in piles of money or going through your day pretending everything is flowers and daisies. Being content means taking each day for what it is and pushing through with a satisfied heart. I am satisfied that my Jesus loves me, for me. I am full knowing the Father looks upon me with fondness. I am content in knowing that the Holy Spirit whispers scripture to me when I need them most. 

Father God, thank you for taking the time to point out these verses to me tonight. Help my thoughts to be true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise. Amen

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