Monday, December 25, 2017

My Christmas Dance Partner

I am so thankful for my Christmas Dance Partner. He is definitely my better half. He’s the one who balances me out. The one who's always willing to listen and understand and my very best friend.

On Christmas Eve after the kids went to bed, we danced to Ed Sheeran’s song, Perfect. My favorite line goes like this,”We we’re just kids when we fell in love, not knowing what it was.”  We are still in love today and I’m thankful he still chooses me. I’m thankful that over 17 years, I understand that love goes far beyond a music video, a first kiss, or a high school slow dance. Love today is being willing to love all parts of the other person...the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s a humble calling to give up everything that makes you a unique person and become one with the other. It’s fights and makeups, it’s serving and being served. It’s a way to show  others how much Christ loves them by offering grace and mercy.

I love you, Dale!

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