Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January Recap! It's Fun to Be a Mom...


Kissing Elmo

Painting for the 1st Time

All Smiles

Momma never lets me bath in the kitchen sink. So much fun!


Preggo Mommy Shows Baby Girl (and the entire neighborhood) Her Best Moves : )

Baby Girl Shows Mommy That She Also Has Pretty Cool Dance Moves

My Beautiful Eskimo

Taking a break to lay on the porch!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

All Curious About The Fire

My Favorite Man Holding His Baby Girl

Happy Birthday Mommy! Flowers and Chocolate Covered Strawberries : )

Mexican for My Birthday with My Growing Family and Parents

Pappi's Here! Yea! It's time for him to play bugs with me and Mr. Goose!

Beautiful Parents Came to Celebrate!

Does She Ever Stop Smiling?

Best Part of My Birthday...taking a trip to Shindigz Bakery and Getting Cake and Coffee!

Fresh Fruit Cake

The Love of My Life. My Best Friend. My Soul Mate...

Baby Girl Wants to See What Peanut is Up To...

Oh My Goodness! Mammi got a hold of my hair. Now we are twins! Look at our curls!

Mammi made Baby Girl Chocolate Milk and a Fruit Happy Face for Breakfast!

Touring a Presbyterian Church in Williamsburg...

Teaching Baby Girl to Pray

Just Chillin with Her Popcorn : )

Activities to Keep a Toddler Busy While it Rains...
Orange Paint, Bubbles and Green Water...great vocabulary lesson for her.

See My Picture Mommy.

Shaving Cream and Food Coloring. Thanks Jill for the idea! We learned our colors that day.

Shaving Cream on Her Belly and Face...Thats Why the Paci is in Her Mouth!

We learned red, green and blue that day. The Campbells in the background is not a plug. We actually went couponing the day before ; )

Loves Her Toes!

Can't Catch Me! I'm Nakie!

Yea! It's so much fun to run nakie in the kitchen!

That Smile is Worth The World to Me! I Thank God Every Day for Her.

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