Monday, January 14, 2013

A Night At The Jefferson

One of the great things about being married to The Hubs, is that his philosophy on stuff is exactly my philosophy. We don't like clutter but still seem to accumulate it, even though we try not to. It's fine if you like stuff but I see it as a dust catcher and another thing I have to clean. So for the past few Christmas's, if people ask me what I want, I tell them I want date nights. Give me a gift card to a restaurant or the movies. I'd rather spend time with The Hubs than worrying about where I'm gonna store the latest gadget.

Unbeknownst to us, someone very special gave us a gift card to The Jefferson. It is a beautiful historical five star hotel. You can imagine that our mouths dropped open when we received the card. It also, just so happened, that both our birthdays are right around Christmas time. So we decided to take our birthday money and use it towards a night at the hotel. We didn't have to pay one red cent : ) It was the ABSOLUTE BEST DATE NIGHT ever! Our package included dinner, overnight accomodations and breakfast in bed! So I called up my mom and dad and asked them to come watch Baby Girl. Of course, they happily agreed and I am so thankful they did!

We have been so blessed by others recently. I am so thankful for each person that made our date night possible. You are amazing. Thanks for giving a tired momma and daddy one night of rest (yes, we did go to bed at 8:30 pm-that's what being a parent does to you) so we could get back to the way things used to be...
The first sight we saw was the Christmas Tree. We felt like we were stepping into history. Did you know that the hotel opened in 1895 and that twelve presidents have stayed at The Jefferson?
"No less than twelve Presidents. Harrison, McKinley, Wilson, Coolidge, Taft, both Roosevelts (Theodore and Franklin Delano), Truman and Reagan, both Bushes and Obama have stayed at the hotel. Also among the rich and/or famous guests were: Admiral Dewey, Sarah Bernhardt, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, Vanderbilts, Whitneys and Barrymores, Gertrude Stein, Sir Edmund Hillary, Charles Chaplin, Nelson Eddy, Robert Mitchum, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley who enjoyed a breakfast of bacon, eggs over easy, milk, no coffee, and home fries, capped off with a scoop of ice cream in cantaloupe."  (Jefferson Hotel History)

24 weeks pregnant with Baby Boy!

Extra Cool Bathroom with a phone near the toilet. We didn't use it. A little gross if you ask me : )

Of course we had to be crazy and get pictures of the free stuff the room came with. You can tell we don't do this often!
View from the Room at Night!

All dressed up for our dinner. I forced my pregnant body into pre-preggo hose just for the occasion. Let's just say, the hose and I got in a fight and after 30 minutes of "wrastlin", I finally won ; )

Gingerbread Train!

The hotel used to have alligators in the marble pools. Baby Girl would have loved to see this!
When we got to the hotel, we found out that our package came with breakfast! We were so surprised. We had no idea! It was wonderful. The Hubs laughed at me because I took the minature jellies and ketchup home with us.

Good Morning from Downtown Richmond, Virginia!

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