Monday, January 7, 2013

"Horseys! Where Aw You"?

"And God...Baby Girl and I wanted to thank you for the horseys we saw today-"

"Horseys!" Baby Girl sat up in the rocker interrupting our night time prayers.

"Horseys! Where Aw You?" she said with both her hands out. It was pitch black in her room but I could still make out her surprised eyes.

"Yes, Baby Girl. Remember when we rode the horseys today in the carriage?"

She continued to have a conversation with me about the horseys. I could only pick out bits and pieces of what she was trying to tell me. But I just kept saying, "Uh huh. Mmhhh. Yes, I remember the horseys too."

Finally, I started rubbing her head again and told her a story just like my dad did for us when we were little. It would be pitch black in our bedroom and every night he would tell us a thirty minute story- usually about someone in the 18th century. And we'd listen so intently...imagining every part in our tiny minds.

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved horseys. One day the horsey came to take her on a carriage ride..."

Baby Girl laid her head back against my chest while I continued to play with her hair and tell her about riding the carriage with a cat, dog, bear and giraffe. She grew incredibly silent, listening attentively and trying to pick up on all the words she'd been learning. Eventually, I was able to end the story and lay her in her crib.

"Night Night, Baby Girl."

She popped her paci out and looked at me with new excitement..."Horseys!?"

"Yes, Baby Girl. I remember the horseys. Love you."

And she drifted off to sleep; dreaming of the big brown horseys and the clip clop of their hooves.

Do you remember how excited we were as children? Do you remember how vivid our imaginations were? Those were some beautiful memories. Looking at Baby Girl is like looking into a mirror of my childhood. I am overtaken by her excitement and can't help but get excited about life too!

Isn't that how we as adults should continue to live? With excitement about life! And vivid imaginations full of possibilities only we can satisfy. Telling you these stories literally makes my heart warm because I want this for everyone. Even with myself, I find myself saying, "Tomorrow will be better than today." But shouldn't I really being saying, "Today is the very best day!"

Have you taken the time to get excited about LIFE lately? Or tell someone how wonderful your day was? Imagine the possibilities of positive thinking if we tried to be more like the children we were raising!

With Much Love to You,



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