Friday, January 25, 2013

Momma Drama

Have you ever had a MOMMA DRAMA DAY? You know, the kind where as soon as you wake up nothing seems to go right. Well, my day was TODAY. I should have known that today was the day when Baby Girl woke up at 6:30 am wanting to play “Doggie.” I missed my quiet time this morning : (  But I thought, “This is okay. I can handle this.” WRONG!

By 8:00 am, she locked herself in the bathroom and I couldn’t find one single key to unlock the door. So I called The Hubs and he tells me to go outside and find the allen rench (spelling?) in the garage. So here I run, like a bolt of lightning outside, in my UGLIEST purple and blue fleece polka dot pj’s ever with crazy wild hair (because I slept on it wet last night) for all of 25+neighbors to see.  I know every single one of them thought I was insane because I was yelling at the top of my lungs, “What the heck is an allen rench?!!!!!”

Finally, 20 some minutes later, I open the door and find my baby girl lying on her belly sobbing and looking through the crack at the bottom of the door. I scoop her up and see all the snot on my floor and think, “I want to call my momma and cry too, Baby Girl.”

So by this time, I’ve had it and decide I have to get out of this house- right now! So I fix my hair ; ) and take Baby Girl to the post office. Have you ever taken a 20 month old to the post office? Here’s a secret for you….DON’T DO IT! Here is a tidbit of our conversation… “Hi-eeeeeee!” says Baby Girl as she runs up to every single person in this huge post office. “No, don’t touch the floor! No, don’t pull the boxes off the shelf and step all over them. No, those newspapers are not yours-you don’t need 20 of them laying on the floor!” Finally I resorted to bribery and said, “If you’re good, I’ll give you a sticker.”

We left the post office and I thought, “Im hungry, Im tired, Baby Boy is smashing his head against my bladder and…IM NOT COOKING LUNCH. Baby Girl, we’re going to eat at OLIVE GARDEN!”

“Eat!” she says excitedly and off we go.

The staff were so wonderful to us. They gave us a back booth to eat at and chocolate milk, broccoli and grapes for Baby Girl. I sat and colored with her, all while listening to her chatter, “Mmmm boccli.” Towards the end of the meal, she looked at me and opened her arms wide and said, “Hug.” And it was the best feeling ever. She made my crazy wacky day suddenly turn beautiful. And I thought, “I don’t feel guilty about this at all. I never raised my voice at her. I maintained patience all while wanting to cry inside and I’m enjoying myself. I love my little girl and know she loves me back.

People may not give stay at home momma’s the credit they deserve and sometimes say mean things like, “Wish I could stay at home all day too.” (Yes this has happened to me.) But I just want all my stay at home momma friends to know, “You are loved. You are doing a great job. We may not get paid a monetary salary for all this hard work, but what amount of money could actually equate to the hugs and love we get from our kids? Give yourself credit. We are all doing a great job.”

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