Monday, July 21, 2014

18 Weeks...Almost Half Way There

18 weeks now. Almost half way there. It is still hard for me to wrap my mind around this pregnancy! I am still stunned when I see my growing belly in the mirror.

God wanted this baby to come fill our lives and make it finally complete. From struggling with infertility with my first to not knowing if it could happen again with my second and finally to getting the best surprise of a lifetime, we are so happy with this precious gift.

Thought I'd update you on what's been going on with this pregnancy...

Gender: We still don't know. Just a few more weeks though. I have my hunches but I'm keeping that a secret.

Weight Gain: 4.6 pounds. The least amount of weight I've gained with all three pregnancies. I attribute that to exercise. This is the only pregnancy where I have continued to exercise past the first trimester. But for me it's not about the weight. It's about how exercise makes me feel. I'm really enjoying it and hope that the exercise keeps me from getting the horrible back pain I had with Baby Girl and Baby Boy.

Movement: This baby is going to be my calm child. I just know it. Every now and then I feel little kicks and punches but for the most part, Tiny is pretty chill. It's amazing how each baby is so different.

Sleep: Some...lots of crazy dreams though. But that could have something to do with Dexter Date Night. The Hubs and I are into the series Dexter now and every night we watch an episode together when the kids are asleep. That's some scary stuff.

Symptoms: Really this has been the easiest pregnancy out of all three. Not many complaints. In the beginning, I had really bad nausea but now nothing. The only different symptom I've had is a constant headache. Very annoying.

Cravings: Wait for it...Asian Food! Crazy. Give me some Hot and Sour Soup and tempura shrimp sushi soaked in soy sauce and I'm in Heaven. In one week I
knocked out three Asian food restaurants! Just thought of something...maybe all that salt is giving me headaches. Guess I'm gonna cut back.

Best Moment of the Week: We all sat down for dinner and Baby Girl says, "What does it mean to be thankful for someone?" We tried to explain it as being happy someone is in your life. And she says, "Thank you God for Daddy, Baby Boy, my neighbor friends and Mommy. Oh! And for the baby in Mommy's belly."

Pure random sweetness...melted my heart. Of course, The Hubs and I smiled at her with such surprise and proudness. Our family will be complete when Tiny is born.

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