Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jamestown, Virginia

I am spontaneous-to a fault. Fortunately, The Hubs has come along side my crazy antics and embraces them with as much as his Type A personality will allow. If I had my druthers (and had an endless supply of money and time), I'd spend every day going on mini vacations with my family. I'd hop on a plane and see all of the U.S. But since I can't do that, I like to spend the weekends traveling to different areas in Virginia. And the list of places I'll be able to go will be limitless as the kids get older.

As a kid, my mamow would let us spend the night on the weekend. Often she'd say, "Let's go kids! Put on your shoes. We're going for a drive." And we'd drive all over our little town of Elkhorn City, Kentucky. The stops would be endless. First the grocery store, then a trip to the gas station where the gas station attendant would pump our gas and give us Juicy Fruit gum. We'd belt out one of my favorite hymns, "The Old Rugged Cross" in the car. Mamow would sing the harmony and the rest of us the main parts. Eventually we'd make our way to Dairy Cheer, where we'd pull into the parking lot and order THE BEST Super Man icecream ever. If mamow was feeling extra spontaneous, she'd let us stop by the nursing home to give her friend a hamburger. I remember walking into the room with mamow and seeing her friend laying in the bed. Even at a young age, I felt compassion for the lady. Her hands would be curled from the arthritis and she could barely hold on to the hamburger. One time, mamow said we drove past the nursing home and I had the biggest fit ever. With big crocodile tears, I told her I wanted to give her friend a hamburger. And so she had to turn around just so we could visit her friend.

It goes to show you that it's the little things that matter most to kids. So I suppose money and time really isn't a problem. Kids just enjoy breaking up the routine and going to new places...even if they're just down the road a bit. This past Saturday, I secretly asked The Hubs if we could go to Jamestown, Virginia. The last time we went I took my sister. Baby Girl so badly wanted to go into the bottom of the ships. But I couldn't let her because The Hubs wasn't there to help. There was no way I could make it down the steps with both of them! So he agreed and that night when he got her ready for bed he told her the surprise...

She flew down the stairs and yelled, "Mommy! Mommy! Guess what!" Her little hand covered her mouth in such excitement and anticipation.

"What?" I said with as much pretend excitement.

"Daddy says he's going to take us to the SHIPS tomorrow!"

"Oh my gosh! That is soooo exciting," I said as I mimicked her and covered my mouth with my hand...

And that, my friends, is why I love family time and traveling. It's all the little moments; like watching her get excited over something as small as seeing the ships. It's a constant reminder to enjoy every moment you have with your children.

The next morning we woke up early and headed to The Waffle House. The Hubs and I used to do that every Saturday when we first were married. And we have decided to make it a family tradition. Here's some pics of our breakfast together.

After breakfast, we hopped in the car and headed to Jamestown, Virginia. We had the best time together. Here's some pictures to capture the time we had together...
Wow, a cannon!
Best picture ever!
I have never seen a girl so interested in a ship. Too cool!
Baby Boy was fascinated with...the rocks. So Baby Girl stopped to look at the rocks with him.
He loves to touch everything.
Maybe a future hunter...
 The next few pictures...Baby Girl had to have a picture with every single hide. I'll spare you and only post three : )
All in all, we had a fabulous day trip. I love where we live and the history behind it. And I'm so glad I get to share my desire for travel and spontaneity with my family.


  1. That was wonderful. Nice how you tied the memories from then to now and these beautiful children. Distant cousin Kathy C.

  2. Thank you Kathy! Mamow holds a special place in my heart :)
